Apple Events are run according to a known pattern. They last approximately two hours, and then there is the famous new sparkling appliances and new Apps and Software to Try out. Not this Time.

On Tuesday Apple in Cupertino, all of these habits has thrown overboard. New iPads, Mac Computer, headphones, and watches bracelets has presented to the group last week without much fanfare via press release. At the presentation in the Steve Jobs Theatre at the company’s premises in Cupertino, it was Apple’s increasingly important third pillar in addition to Software and Hardware, to Services and subscriptions. Three of the group presented at the Event, this newspaper visited, on invitation,: a subscription service for magazines, one for Games and one for TV shows.

Apple News+: is The subscription service costs $ 10 per month, and initially only in the US and Canada on the market. Other English-speaking countries are still to follow this year. For the Subscription fee, you get 300 for the iPhone and iPad recycled magazines and Newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal.

Apple Arcade: is The subscription service for games does not have a price, but should be in the autumn in 150 countries launched. Against payment of a monthly fee, you get access to initially, around 100 Premium Games for mobile phones, Tablets, and computers. If you can buy the title individually, is still open.

Apple TV+: In the autumn to start Apple’s own video streaming service. Here, too, no price is yet known. Anyway, a lot is in relation to this service cloudy remained. Apple has many prominent movies and TV makers such as Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey for the new service will win, but how the offer will look like exactly is still unclear. The core of the new service, the new TV App that will be launched this may in 100 countries. Whether Switzerland is also in the process, is still unclear. Fixed: The App will not run only on Apple devices but also on TVs from Samsung, Sony and LG.


not all of these subscriptions that you have reinvent the wheel. What Apple brings to the table, however, and competitors like Netflix don’t have is the large user base. With 900 million iPhones and 1.4 billion Apple devices in the world. If only a few users opt for one of the new Apple subscriptions, it is very lucrative. In the case of Apple Music, the delivery is similar. The service differs little from the market leader and pioneer Spotify. But since Apple Music already on the device and perfectly with the other Apple Gadgets in harmony, is the temptation to choose the same.

So unspectacular Apple’s new subscription like is currently considered to appear, so it will be exciting, should Apple put one day together, all of these Services to a subscription: music, Video, games, News, and cloud storage. The Spotify or Netflix. But this step, Apple has not ventured yesterday.

A map of Titan

A side-show at yesterday’s Event, the Bank is likely to the world once more, not pleased. With Apple Pay, the group grabbed a part of the customer’s business, and with the yesterday announced Apple Card, a credit card, you should create Apple now also in another field of business with the banks.

The Apple Card directly on the mobile phone manages. If the card is not accepted on the phone once, there is a physical card made of titanium. The Apple Card is a co-operation with Goldman Sachs and Mastercard. It comes for the time being, only in the USA on the market. But the ambitions of the group are likely to be significantly greater. (

Created: 25.03.2019, 23:08 PM