Loitering passers-by probably thought a flash mob, one of these sometimes imaginative choreography of larger groups of people, the Dating online to act on a certain date at a certain place at the same time a fencer, or to jump in the air. On the Zeil, one of the most popular shopping streets in Frankfurt am Main, burned last Saturday evening, namely, at once, hundreds of young men in a wild back-and-forth.

Because of increasingly ruthless prevail, the police entered on the Plan. A 21-Year-old, the officer, identified as the organizer, called on them to halt the wild thing from happening and to leave the place. But, as the situation escalated. From the amount of a 17-attacked-Year-old, a police officer and punched him in the face. As his colleagues overpowered the attacker, began the bystanders with stones to throw at the police. A greater police of the Mobs has a posse finally Lord.

As was later known, was a virtual feud between two well-known Frankfurt Youtuber the Background of the real Headbox: Kaan shew, whose movie on Youtube 300’000 young people on a regular basis, and Mohamed Satiane, called Momo, and on Facebook, more than 1.3 million followers. Followers of Momo recently had smash on the Zeil shew accosted and an Egg on his head – the incident was filmed by two Youtubers. Shew called on his supporters to come on Saturday evening on the Zeil, to confront Momo. About 600 young men followed.

hour-long brawl

After the police parade shew called on his supporters to go home: “It’s escalated a bit, you don’t need to come.” Momo and his followers were not already published. The rival had visited instead, Yavis home, not far from Leverkusen. Both Youtuber published their experiences immediately on their channels.

Two days earlier, it was in Berlin, nor a level of violent received. 400 supporters of two rival Youtubers met at Alexanderplatz under the TV tower. About 50 of them were received with shock, the foot of los kicks and pepper spray each other. A group blocked for a time even a U-Bahn Station, and fought a battle with Gravel. More than 100 police officers took four and a half hours to calm the situation. 9 were arrested, 13 of investigation proceedings were initiated.

Also in Berlin, had called Youtuber to confrontation: The Stuttgart Bekir (260’000 subscribers) had urged his Fans to defend Berlin against Bahar al-Amood (14’000 subscribers) in his honor. The two Internet stars had offended previously for months on their channels as “sons of Bitches”. Bahar al-Amood is to be a member of a notorious Arab extended family, to Meet on the Alexanderplatz, a lot of police known Clan youth accompanied him, apparently. These two Youtubers that act, in retrospect, contrition, when they saw what a analog street battle you digital had instigated. In Frankfurt, in Berlin, the police is now examining whether the costs of police operations, the Youtubers can be charged.

That Youtuber with your adolescent Tollereien and the aggressive honor-Macho-Gesabber also outside of your media bubble for agitation, is not new. But to widespread violence real people on real roads as it is now in Frankfurt and in Berlin you have not managed in Germany yet.

It is about clicks

experts say that even with this publicly-held disputes hardly the “honor,” but especially to clicks and attention. Youtubers have not internalised the response pattern of the Rap culture: Who invests aggressively with other Stars, only his audience, but even increased his popularity. As long as Followers are digital only masses of nameless Fans, they have little real weight. Is out of the game but Seriously, mutate the Star mobilized supporters in the street quickly to the real Mob.

The police Union has warned against such actions: “We see in the rapper scene and, increasingly, also in the case of other Influencers that you work around some very negligent with your impact, and it seems the fashion is, quite deliberately, barrels of powder, in order to generate more Followers, subscribers and clicks,” said the Berlin Chairman Norbert Cioma. There is more meaningful to use his awareness to young to violence to offer people a public platform.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 25.03.2019, 21:07 PM