“Begging for the expected audience”

“Amelie Björck is tired on the inside duties-the term”

“It may be an unfair starting point, but I feel quite finished with the inside duties-the perspective in this play. Everything seems to be about us, which is expected to come to the theatre – how we should deal with our own complex feelings of guilt vis-à-vis those who are not here: ”the beggars”, which occupies position at grocery stores and atms.”

“”the Beggars” is never visible on stage. Mehmet which is the only role with non-English roots played by skärgårdsdoktorsvenska Samuel Fröler. Aware of choices for sure, but I yearn for a theatre that is not discussing the we-and-they-the problem by at the same time consolidating it.”

“If we still accept the premises to be Mia Törnqvists one-not at all stupid or one-eyed. Within a avklarnad structure holds both poetic and absurdistiska moment.”

“We presented two pairs – a fairly successful, high-pitched and broken, and with the interrelationship of the family and power relations. These four adults representing different attitudes to the ”tiggeriproblemet”. The official Mehmet is indifferent, and think rather on the kurdish suffering, the rector Marie wears a skamstress so great that all of a sudden deficiencies, the teacher Classe, who himself struggled to sobriety is pissed off at ”tiggarnas” inaction, undersköterskan Johanna (Marie’s sister) lives for charity.”

“Andreas Kundlers uppbrusande Classe is the most compelling figure, a racist and bitter. Women’s approach is originellare framskrivna. The desire to help can be a perverse personal deal, as when Eva Rexeds Johanna almost winds of desire in dagdrömmen to dress her ”beggar” Florian stylish in jeans and a T-shirt.”

“just As little self-awareness, Ann-Sofie Rases Marie, who been hanged out on Facebook as a racist. She tried to give a needy woman money, but were overpowered by gestens pettiness of reality. The woman needed the 40 000 for her son’s eye surgery! In the frustration of not being able to help beat Marie to the woman, and someone caught the attack on film. A private systemkollaps comes with the total denial as the main component.”

“the Drama is written in feberhettan from burning forests and cars in the suburb, but it is only when the flames are approaching Liljeholmen as it gets, seriously. Classes and Johanna’s little daughter becomes a classic truth-telling witness in the adults ‘ unsustainable game.”

“Everything is too late, gravel and ash. The only question is how dramatic the black mirror should be used. “

“Brings the new insights? Or responding to the most middle-class self-centredness with more of the same?”

“production Design: Lars Östbergh”

“In roles: Ann-Sofie Fury, Samuel Fröler, Eva Rexed, Andreas Kundler”

“Scene: the Stockholm city theatre at Teater Giljotin”

“running time: 1 hr 30 min”