The European Union holds a unregulated outlet UK apply for “increasingly likely” and assured its citizens and companies, it was a “hard Brexit” on 12. April prepared. In Brussels, the EU Commission stated that this scenario “would be desirable”, the corresponding preparations were completed.

On Monday in Brussels also informed British citizens, more concrete than before, what could come after a No-Deal- Brexit on you. So you are likely to remain for 90 days without a visa in the EU if the UK, EU citizens have the same rights. The suitcase could be checked at the port of entry, issues of travel and funding are provided. Would be the consequences of an unregulated outlet also in the case of Roaming charges for mobile phones, which could start to rise again. Access to health care with the European health insurance card would be stopped.

A representative of the authority, according to the 27 remaining member States are increasingly convinced that a “hard Brexit” should be accomplished quickly in case of emergency. All necessary measures have been taken by the EU-27 one-sided; you served the self-protection and were not “Mini-Deals” with London.

At the EU summit were the heads of state and government from Theresa May last week, clear conditions for a displacement of the outlet, originally for the 29. March was provided. A total of 17 Brexit-emergency regulations have been implemented-legally – from the safety of the flight and rail transport on the fishing rights and financial services in support of the peace process in Northern Ireland.

May not hope to

Meanwhile, the struggle went on in London, such as the government and the Parliament to find a compromise in the exit procedures. So far, this has declined to under house the May negotiated contract twice. She admitted on Monday that its agreement with the EU would be rejected by the Parliament for a third Time, if you can put a new vote. They hope to obtain approval. The Northern Irish DUP, the supports may’s minority government announced on Monday that it was maintaining its rejection. Also in Europe, critics of the Tories want to continue to vote against the Deal.

In a lower house debate on the afternoon of May clear, therefore, that for the time being not going to the Deal again to submit, and that they remain in office wool: “I have always made it clear that it is a task that is done must be, and I will continue these activities.” Previously, she had negotiated both with the Opposition-in-chief Jeremy Corbyn, as well as critical of Tory Ministers, but it was said in London, continues to be “no Plan B”.

The Parliament wanted to vote in the evening, whether it should hold on Wednesday “indicative voting”. The members would explore what Brexit model could find a majority. May tried to stop this process but, because you would be deprived of the Power over the further procedure. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 25.03.2019, 21:07 PM