After two years of research, there is finally clarity about the question of whether American president Donald Trump has colluded with Russia during the presidential campaign. But he is completely vrijgepleit? And what does it mean for the future? What the report says now is correct?

What’s the full report from Robert Mueller says, we do not know, because it is (still) not released . The minister of Justice, William Barr, that the report Friday in the hands got the whole weekend studying and yesterday a four-page summary to the U.s. Congress sent. the

Trump is according to Barr vrijgepleit when it comes to combine with Russia in an attempt in the presidential elections of 2016 in his advantage to play out. “The special prosecutor came to the conclusion that the campaign of Trump, or someone who was also involved, samenspande or collaborated with the Russian government”, writes Barr in the letter. However, there were “numerous offers of Russia-related individuals in order to Trumps campaign to assist”, so is now fixed.