“Storbråk in the government about the airport’s future”

“the social democrats want to expand the Arlanda airport – but the green Party is reported to say’ no ‘ to the proposal which is now being prepared. “

“the Question has, according to Aftonbladet created huge divisions in the government. “

“– Now is the fuss about this, ” says a source with the transparency. “

“the democrats have had the goal to Arlanda airport to be the Nordic region’s largest airport. Newspaper Dagens ETC will come today with new information about the plans – which will create big conflicts in the government. “

“According to the ETC to P at the end of march, the present preparation ”Roadmap Arlanda” and where to propose a jätteutbyggnad of the airport. The proposal is in line with what Arlandarådet suggest, where both P and MP sat together with representatives from, among others, Swedavia and the Aviation and the Swedish transport administration. “

“A jätteutbyggnad of the airport would, according to the ETC mean that action to double the number of passengers travelling to the airport are implemented. “

“the Conflict in the government is that the MP believes that such a large expansion goes completely against the climate policy objectives. According to sources of the newspaper to the minister responsible Tomas Eneroth run over MP and do the ”Roadmap Arlanda” to the government’s official policy. “

“the Data confirmed by a source familiar to the Aftonbladet newspaper. “

“”do not Accept that the flight will be doubled””

“According to the source, go conflict in the government right up to ministerial level. On the one hand is minister of infrastructure Tomas Eneroth (S), on the other, the environment and klimatminister Isabella Lövin (MP). “

” Tomas Eneroth want it to become government policy. It has Isabella Lövin said no to altogether. Now is the fuss about this, the source said, and continues. “

“– MP does not accept a flight plan if the flight is to be doubled. You should take a step forward so will probably need to be done if basically. “

“don’t Want to comment on the work.”

“the Government has a common understanding,” he says. “

“HH: do you See any risk that the expansion of the airport can help to increase the traffic?”

“– The key is to create space if Bromma is closed down, the contract goes out to 2038. The important thing is that the airline industry can manage the transition and that we are preparing it now. The airline industry is a tough challenge to set, ” says Tomas Eneroth to the TT.”

“Isabella Lövin, would not comment on the ongoing work in the government offices, but says that the environmental impact must be significantly reduced. “

“– the Government is investing heavily on the expansion of the railways, including high-speed trains that can replace parts of the transport need by plane, and between the big cities and to parts of Europe. “

“Anders Svensson, head of Arlandarådets office, says to the ETC that the council’s goal to Arlanda airport to be the Nordic region’s leading airport is to be seen in a broader perspective. The council has, according to him, no goal of a specific number of passengers. “

“Arlandarådet was established in may 2017 and will develop proposals on how to Arlanda can be built out. The goal is that the airport is to become the Nordic region’s largest. “

“the council comprises The minister of economic affairs, the minister and the minister of the environment together with representatives of the Swedish transport administration, the Swedish civil aviation administration, state-owned Swedavia, SAS, the industry and the municipalities and the regions.”

“It was supposed to Arlandarådet in december last year would have delivered a roadmap for development, but the plan has been delayed.”

“Source: TTu002FAftonbladet”