My name is Zouheir, I am 34 years old, a Danish citizen and originally from Lebanon, born in Palestine.

– I am a muslim, circumcised, and, fortunately, well happy with it. I should even have made the choice as a young adult, I would have also been circumcised, and this is in my eyes the crux of the matter.

so begins Zouheir, expectant father from Copenhagen, an invitation to other muslim parents to let their boys decide for themselves whether they should be circumcised. Zouheir and his wife made their decision, as they had been scanning his letter thus continues:

– the Decision to be circumcised should be each person’s own free choice. It is my religion, and therefore, it should also be my decision whether I will follow the tradition to be circumcised or not.

– I’m engaged with the world’s most beautiful woman, who is seven months pregnant with our both first child. It will be a son, and we’re very exited.

– But long feared the I am currently, where I am supposed to look my mother in the eyes and tell her that we have decided not to circumcise him. Exactly as I imagined it, she was unfortunately sour, and the waves were very high.

– However, our child is ours, and it is therefore our decision. Our son must choose circumcision to or from, when he becomes old and of legal age enough to make the decision. How to get it!

– I am sure that many young muslims are not even aware of why it needs to be done, and I’m also sure that when they still choose to do it, then it is because of pressure from their parents, grandparents and other family members.

– The pressure, many young muslims are subjected to, damn sure not for children. It is often that the family must not lose face to the other. But honestly, I couldn’t care less.

– I’ve actually always had a notion that if I had a son, so he had to be circumcised like me – of course he should as it. But when I heard his heartbeat at the scan, felt him kick for the first time and saw him inside my girlfriend’s belly, was a love so overwhelming, that I am in no way allow anyone to cause him pain of any kind.

– And it is in the reason is also wrong to cut healthy children, I think.

– I hope that the other couples in the same situation to read and understand what I write. The excuses you often hear about why children should be circumcised, hear simply no, in Denmark in the year 2014.

– Let the future boys themselves decide over their bodies. If my son one day wants to be circumcised, I’ll back him up. But it should be his choice.