The Bundestag and the French national Assembly will be brought closer together. Under the President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) and the President of the national Assembly, Richard Ferrand, signed, on Monday in Paris, the German-French Parliament of the agreement. The national Assembly is the lower house of the French Parliament.

The newly founded German-French Parliamentary Assembly met for the first time. The common chamber brings together 50 German and 50 French members. “To be told, skeptics: The new Assembly is likely to prejudice the sovereignty of the two States, nor abolish it,” said Schäuble.

Schäuble wish of the Assembly to kick off the “lively debates, even about uncomfortable topics”. As an example, he cited the security and defence policy, and bureaucratic hurdles in the border area, especially German companies complain. “We will continue argument in the case, because the dispute needs it”, – said Schaeuble. Ferrand stressed the “new Dimension” of cooperation between the two parliaments, which in Europe is unprecedented.

to kick off the debate with MEPs of all political groups of the French points of dispute were German-A member of the French Republicans, the conservative sister party of the Union, exercised sharp criticism of the demand of the CDU-Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the seat of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. It was the “duty” of the French members, to ensure that this will not happen, said Patrick Hetzel, under the applause of his countrymen

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Schäuble took Kramp-Karrenbauer at the subsequent press conference: “If it would not be substantial, it would find no contradiction”, he said the thrust of the CDU-Boss – not without at the same time, the “remarkable contribution” that the French President, Emmanuel Macron, in the debate around the EU to praise of Reform.

differences in defence policy

differences were also insisted in the defence policy and the requirement Macrons to a “European army” for the crisis intervention significantly – about as a number of German deputies in the Parliament reserved for military operations. Macron, by contrast, has as commander-in-chief the last word in missions.

For resentment in the German camp, the AfD’s Deputy Norbert Klein the guardian, the praised first German-French cooperation as a “living friendship”, and his five-minute speech, however, to the sweeping blow against the EU, and the so-called “European Parliament” is used in provided. In Paris, people took to the streets, because there is no “say,” he said in allusion to the “yellow West”protests.

The FDP Deputy Michael Georg Link said under the applause of many German parliamentarians, small guardians, and other supporters of the nation-state created the impression that “as if we were still in 1919, and not in 2019”. He warned the French Parliament colleagues: “you will see, the Germans also under a great deal of arguing.”

No binding decisions

Worried about too much influence of the new Institution Schäuble, countered: “The sovereignty of both countries will not be eliminated by the Assembly”, said the CDU politician. The skills of the new Mini-Parliament are limited under the agreement: – binding resolutions can’t believe it. Also, a separate budgetary sovereignty, it has not. The object of the meeting, rather, was to make proposals for cross-border issues and the joint implementation of EU directives.

the next meeting of The new parliamentary Assembly with each of the 50 members of all the groups is provided in the autumn in Berlin, as Ferrand announced.

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English-French Assembly Deputy from Berlin and Paris days in the future, together

the Bundestag and the national Assembly had to be 55. Anniversary of the Elysée Treaty on 22. January 2018 agreed to lift their relationship to a new level. The two parliaments also want to monitor the implementation of the new friendship Treaty, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and French President Macron at 22. January of this year in Aachen, Germany, sealed. Both countries agreed to intensify cooperation in the defence and armaments policy and a common implementation of EU requirements. (dpa)