For months, parts of the train hall of the station Zoo walls are a maze of Sheet metal and Fences, even the Locals confused. That’s since 10 a.m. on Monday, however, and now it is even worse. The Rest of the “hall” was closed, the old West-Berlin “Hauptbahnhof” for about a year as far as possible, including the mezzanine.

travelers can the two regional platforms only at the Eastern end of stairs and escalators. The block hits the wheelchair hard. Because of the lift to the regional train platform in the direction of the West, was also closed. “Passengers with restricted mobility can continue to Dodge on the S-Bahn to the neighboring stations of Charlottenburg and the Central station,” said the railway.

The Elevator to the Eastern Regional platform remains accessible, but only for the very Brave, and very daring in the dark, narrow tube made from wood panels. Semi-bold deterred by a large red lettering “Due to construction works closed”. What that’s referring to remains a secret of the web: The Elevator to Track 1 and 2 is in operation and should remain so.

Change between the regional train and S-Bahn about 200 meters to walk

requires The “Dodge” on the S-Bahn is so easy. The Change between the regional train and S-Bahn requires a year-long, around 200 meters walk. The Western passage in the station, with the escalators to the S-Bahn remains dough – yet – accessible. But even there, it looks like a construction site. In the Ceiling and wall panel, large Openings were cut out of the broken ventilation pipes hang.

In some Places, hand-written instructions for the worker: “demo days”. In the height of the floor of the coverings of the historic steel columns were jimmied open, the masonry is exposed. The Restaurant “Zooterrassen” is available today only via the outside stairs.

For 2015, the Deutsche Bahn to build the Station completely. For about two years, the ticket offices are housed temporarily in containers on the Hardenbergplatz. Now it has been placed next to a mobile toilet facility. “The newly landscaped areas are to be opened in spring next year”, – stated in the message of the track.

two years of construction, are already seven

May the Elevator to the Regional platform is in the direction of the West finish faster: “all options are being considered to make it also during the building accessible to the public again,” said Bahn. What this means, could not say a railway spokesman on Sunday. On a table in the middle of the corrugated sheet maze the path indicates the year of 2022 for completion.

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Berlin-Charlottenburg Bahnhof Zoo: please, Where is the platform?

Klaus Kurpjuweit

It has broader and better-way relationships “should”, just more surface area to load. To the start of construction in 2015 for completion in 2017, had been called. Two years of construction, are already seven. Officially it is formulated so: “The Deutsche Bahn is progressing in the interior of the entrance building the Berlin Zoological garden.”

The last day before the suspension of the train hall of the station ZooWeitere images 1 of 13photo: Jörn hasselmann view today, 10:40So it could look like also in the basement of the ICC. It is the long-distance railway hall.Back Next