In Venezuela, have landed Russian military machine with 99 soldiers and dozens of tons of equipment. The Opposition criticised the sharp. The government of Maduro speaks of a normal military cooperation.

Venezuela’s self-appointed transitional President Juan Guaidó has criticised the arrival of two Russian military aircraft. “They say the armed forces would defend the sovereignty, and bring foreign soldiers,” said the leading opposition politicians.

On the weekend had landed, two Russian military planes in Caracas. Venezuelan media reported that 99 soldiers as well as 35 tons of cargo came with the aircraft. A Venezuelan government representative reported that the Russian military had come for talks on maintenance of equipment, Training, and strategy to the country.

Russia is a close (and military) ally of Venezuela. Here is one of the Russian machines in Caracas.

contracts with “military-technical character”

Russia rejected the criticism. These flights have nothing Mysterious, the Agency quotes a spokesman for the Russian Embassy. It was the implementation of for years, of agreed contracts with “military-technical character”.

Russia is a close military ally of Venezuela. Joint military maneuvers of the Russian and Venezuelan armed forces in the South American country was pushed in December, on sharp criticism. In addition, the installation of two nuclear weapons-capable long-range bombers of the type Tu-160 to Venezuela concern, among other things, in the organization of American States (OAS) triggered.

in addition to Russia, China, Cuba and Turkey, the supporters of Maduro. The USA, Germany and many other countries are on the side Guaidós.