Almost two years as special investigator Mueller examined whether Trump took together with Russia’s influence on the presidential election in 2016. What came out of it? And what is not? The most important points in the Overview.

Russia in US elections 2016

special investigator Robert Mueller mixed it as evidence that Russia tried to influence the presidential election in 2016.

This was done by a disinformation campaign in social networks and hacker attacks on the campaign team of Donald trump’s democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, as well as the publication of this trophy E-Mails.

With Russia related persons, made according to the summary of Minister of justice, William Barr also “numerous offers” to support trump’s Team.

No conspiracy with Russia

Mueller but could not find any clandestine cooperation of the Trump camp with Russia. “The investigation revealed that members of trump’s campaign team conspired with the Russian government in the election of a non-interference activities, or coordinated,” quoted Barr from Mueller’s report.

This knowledge is regarded as a victory for Trump, who had raised the denial of any collusion with Moscow to his daily Mantra.

Minister of justice, William Barr wrote the summary of the Mueller report,

question of the obstruction of Justice continue to unclear

Mueller also looked at whether or not Trump disabled the investigations to the Russia-affair – for example, through the dismissal of then-FBI chief James Comey in may 2017.

The special investigator comes to no clear conclusion: “On the one hand, this report comes to the conclusion that the President has committed a Crime, on the other hand, he is relieved, too”, – quotes the Minister of justice of Mueller’s report.

Rather, Mueller presents evidence both for and against the allegation. According to Barr, Mueller left open the grey zone, which he considered as “difficult issues” around the Right – and the facts. We must focus on the question of whether trump’s actions as justice, were, disability or not.

The Ministry concludes that there is no sufficient evidence for a criminal Offence of the President. The opposition Democrats want to go into this question now, but in more detail.