In the provincial recreation domain De Schorre in Boom have 581 loopteams Sunday participated in the second “100km-run” for ” Kom op tegen Kanker. That resulted in a record amount of 1,452 million euros for clinical cancer research. Next year is already a third edition, but then in Knokke.

The concept of the 100km-run means that teams of four runners along 100 miles for the benefit of KotK. However, it is not teamrace crosscountry: the first runner gets after 10 km the company of a second, after 20 kilometres of a third party and after 30 kilometers of the fourth. After 40 kilometers of the race on it, so that the four together 100 miles behind the back. Together over the finish line to walk, let the team see that, in addition to the challenge, the sense of belonging is central.

Among the participants were also the ambassadors of this edition, actress Tine embrechts has been a journalist and Wim De Vilder. The teams collected each at least 2,500 euros and caused a totaalopbrengst of over 1.4 million euro. “That money that we invest in clinical research that has a direct impact on the lives and well-being of the cancer patient and for which there is insufficient interest among the pharmaceutical industry,” said Marc Michils, ceo of Kom op tegen Kanker. “So we give money to research rare cancers and we are committed to research to medicines that have less side effects for the patient cause.”