Entrepreneur beauty Janni Hussi, 27, told to face their professional a lot of harassment, even father from the age of men.Janni Hussi told Cosmopolitan blog about the experience of harassment in the workplace. JUKKA LEHTINEN

entrepreneur Janni Hussi , 27, opens up to cosmopolitan’s column in the experience of harassment. He said he himself faced a lot of profanity in the workplace. When Jannille opens the opportunity to discuss interesting job thing, the end result can be a suddenly speech of the lower end stuff.

He address, especially to a married man who tried to offer star money to sex, when Janni was promoot the task of sporting events.

– Try put up my very ronskiakin flap and as such, their too good of friends with my. The difference is in the fact that I also possess some form of situation get. It is not, unfortunately, find all. Like for example you were married from my father old man, who came to offer me money for sex my workplace (I was at a sports event promo at work). Situation realize in addition to I think address also manners and a little more, he’ll crack.

He told reporters reflect he several occasions in the face of his harassment.

– Sometimes when I was young, that comment about my looks work in the name of were just okay – they now just include the issue. What’s more the age is accrued, the less I tolerate sub-standard comments. I must, however, continue to argue about these things and I know that so will also the other female colleague, he writes a column.

– Enthusiasm is difficult to conceal, once you’ve gone after your dream job and eventually you get a chat connection open for future opportunities. Very soon the discussions progressed, however, you will notice that the topics turn to time after time, the lower end of things and how gorgeous you would look naked together. Although both are busy, it doesn’t feel like limiting the stuff.

the Problem is that if Janni Hussi opens up about his experiences, the consequences can be opportunities to lose.

the biggest dilemma is that even if you have done the right thing and value your under, but you don’t dare talk about it publicly, because you’re afraid, that after all the other work. I just have to live with the fact that individual cases turn down you will lose a few in the process, but you can get in the future, perhaps several more. You will also need to live it too the fact, that as long as you don’t actually talk about it, you give this irstailulle further opportunity of, he pondered.

Janni Hussi tell Uncensored day breast program in relationship to Joel Harkimo.

Source: Cosmopolitan.