A triumphed Donald Trump arrived on Sunday evening local time to The White House a few hours after, that his campaign had been acquitted of having conspired with Russia to win the presidential election in 2016.

Trump answered no questions from the waiting journalists, but said – twice – that America is the best place on earth.

– I just want to tell you that America is the best place on earth. The best place on earth, ” says Trump, who also gave the photographers ’thumbs up’.

A sejrsikker Donald Trump arrived on Sunday evening to The White House after a weekend stay in Florida. Photo: Reuters

Trump said earlier that specialanklager Robert müller’s 22-month long investigation ended with a ’total acquittal’.

there was no collusion (’coffee-housing’, red.) with Russia, there was no attempt to impede the investigation, and it is a complete and total acquittal, the president said in his return trip from Florida, where he had spent the weekend.

Trump has throughout denied that his campaign had done anything improper in connection with the presidential elections in 2016. He has repeatedly called the investigation a ‘witch-hunt’.

– this is The most ridiculous I’ve ever heard, said Trump on Sunday about the serious charges, which his campaign then was acquitted.

Donald Trump is making ready to board Air Force One in Florida. Photo: Reuters

After weeks of speculation was Robert müller’s final report on Friday sent to the u.s. attorney general, William Barr. Barr authored a summary on the four sides with the report’s findings, which were published on Sunday (read the letter here – external link).

Conclusion regarding the conspiracy with Russia was clear:

‘The special prosecutor’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or someone who was associated with it, conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the US presidential elections in 2016’.

But whether or not Trump has illegally attempted obstruction of the investigation, according to the report unclear.

‘The special prosecutor went not, therefore, a conclusion – one way or the other – whether the examined behavior constituted obstruction in the constitutional sense’, writes Barr, who adds that the ministry of justice does not find grounds to indict the president on this issue.

attorney general William Barr is photographed at his home in McLean, Virginia, after a busy weekend at the office. Photo: AFP

But the Democrats do not believe that the Trump-appointed minister of justice can objectively assess Russia-study. The democrats have, therefore, requested William Barr to hearing in the Congress.

– the minister of Justice Barrs letter raises more questions than it answers. Because of Barrs previous bias against the special prosecutor’s investigation, he is not a neutral observer, and he can not objectively assess the report’, slices topdemokraterne Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi in a joint statement.

the Democrats believe that the whole of the report and its underlying texts to be released.

attorney general William Barr has issued a summary of four pages. It is not enough, consider the Democrats, who requires the entire report published. Photo: Reuters

Mueller-the study of figures

* 19 lawyers and 40 agents from the us federal bureau of investigation, FBI, has worked for the Mueller.

* issued 2800 summonses.

* There is completed nearly 500 searches.

* Around 500 witnesses have been questioned.

* issued more than 230 orders for kommunikationskorrespondancer.

* There are sent 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence.

* There are raised 37 appeals. Eight people have been convicted.