The governing Council

Although the TA survey had already before the elections close it, expecting no-one so that the 32-year-old Martin Neukom (Green) would be elected to the Zurich cantonal Council. But at the latest after the fourth high bill on Sunday afternoon, it was clear that the Sensation succeeds: the candidate of The Green grabbed the FDP’s second seat of government way. A historic setback for the party: The free mind had never less than two seats in the Zurich cantonal government.

FDP-candidate Thomas bird reached 109’624 votes while the absolute majority of 103’357 votes, with this result, but still behind the SVP candidate Natalie Rickli, 116’scored 096 votes. Rickli was able to defend, therefore, the second member of the cantonal government seat for the SVP – and with their choice for the second Time since 2007, four women in the seven-member Zurich-based government.

All of the previous government councillors and local councillors managed the re-election easily. The best result of Mario Fehr (SP) scored with 173’231 votes. The number two way of Jacqueline Fehr (SP) is, surprisingly, with 149’104 votes, third place Ernst Stocker (SVP), with 140’951 votes.

The member of the Parliament

Also a member of the Parliament elections, there were big Surprises. Winner of the green liberals and the Greens to win nine seats. GLP now has a vote share of 12.9 per cent, and the Greens with 11.9 percent.

the Civic was the choice of Sunday, however, was a debacle. The SVP loses in the Canton of Zurich to 5.6 percent in the voters interests. She still comes to 24.5 percent of the Voting (minus 9 seats). Also, the FDP is losing 1.7 percent (minus 2 seats).

SP, CVP, and EDU had to each lose a seat. The EPP remains stable, the BDP falls from the Canton Parliament.

The member of the Parliament in the historical comparison

hardly anyone would have thought, but the conservative majority in the cantonal Parliament. The SVP will lose nine seats and the back falls almost to the level of 1995, when they had 40 seats. SVP, FDP, CVP, and EDU in the 180-member cantonal Parliament only on 86 votes (-13). The Left with SP, the Greens and AL have 63 seats (+9), and the center consisting of GLP and EVP, 31 seats (+9). Thus, the middle – although Sitting on the most vulnerable – the actual winner. A project to get through, must be some in the future, and the right or the left side with the middle parties.

The loser

What has happened in the municipal elections last year, The SVP will lose voter share. She is the big loser of the cantonal Parliament elections. The SVP, only in 8 out of 161 municipalities. At the municipal level, at the most, the SVP has lost in Höri (was -15.6 percent).

The winner

four years Ago, the green liberal party had to a rough defeat. Now, you can celebrate virtually within a year of the second great victory: After the young party on the 4th of March 2018 for the renewal elections of the Zurich city Council, surprisingly, had managed to snag a seat, to put you in the cantonal Parliament elections more clearly than any of the other parties.

GLP has a new right strongholds in the country. In Elgg, 23.1 percent chose GLP. This is probably one of the GLP-President Christoph Ziegler. In Otelfingen in the country, the GLP took 20.5 percent of the votes, in Dietlikon 20.8 percent, and in ottenbach in Säuliamt even 22.8 percent.

The New member of the Parliament

38 new faces have moved in the cantonal Parliament. Including some well-known names: The two Party presidents Corina Gredig (GLP) and Marionna Schlatter (Green) are new.

The elected

you know the Kantonsrats-operating well and have managed to re-election.

councillors, The Defeated

Among the 18 defeated Canton and the Canton councils there are also political heavyweights. For example, it has not managed Hans-Jakob Boesch, the party President of the Zurich FDP.

The vote

An expectation has not been broken at the choice Sunday: The voting turnout was low. Of the 910’776 persons entitled to vote one-third completed. In the cantonal Council election, 33,53%, participated in the governing Council election 31,97%.


Created: 24.03.2019, 19:32 PM