“Biologens vårtips: Look at the insects”
“Even now one can find the coltsfoot and blue anemone just to the north of Sundsvall.”
“But according to the biologist Didrik Vanhoenacker’s even more exciting sign of spring to find in the sandy slopes.”
“– It just says ‘bang!’ on this weekend, ” says Didrik Vanhoenacker and aimed at the corner.”
“He is on-call biologist at the Swedish museum of Natural history in Stockholm, and has spent parts of the weekend to look bombmurklor and admire vridvingar.”
“But the spring has, as is customary, came to a different extent in different parts of the country. According to the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute, it is officially spring in southern Sweden, but during the weekend was vårtemperatur, then, that the daily average temperature is above zero degrees, in large parts of the country.”
“– Somewhere between Uppsala and Gävle is the first vårtecknen appeared at the same time as there is still some snow in the forest left, ” says Vanhoenacker and continues:”
“– But here in the Stockholm area smacked it greatly here in the weekend, it is warm and has gotten a lot of sun. This bloom tussilagon, and the first butterflies have emerged.”
“most recognize the early dagfjärilarna citronfjäril, nässelfjäril and peacock butterfly. But a doldis among vårtecknen is the brown flickfjärilen.”
“– It is cool, it is one of the earliest butterflies and many notice it is not. They can’t really get the barley in it. The flickering past, and you see a brown fladdrig butterfly but you still see it flashes a little orange, ” says Didrik Vanhoenacker.”
“His favorite sign of spring, however, is the small insect vridvinge, parasitizing sandbin.”
“– Just to take the opportunity to check on the insects in a sandy slope now, it is awsome! Otherwise, it is delicious also with all the migratory birds arriving now, ” he says.”
“the Winters are getting shorter”
“the Spring started earlier this year than last year. But it has nothing with the rekordvarma the summer of 2018 to do.”
“– There is no väderminne left over from the summer that make it past our in the year, the weather varies faster and more than so. However, we have a trend that it is getting warmer, and sealing over the years and that winters are getting shorter. But in the trend it can vary, so that there will be a later spring like last year, “said Vanhoenacker”
“He says that sipporna already have started to come in Skåne and Stockholm can probably find blue anemone now and thus wait for the wood anemone about a week or two.”
“– Then it will soon start rattling reports of sädesärlor, which belongs to the second round vårfåglar.”
“Corrected: In an earlier version reported the wrong name of the mushrooms that Vanhoenacker has been looking after this weekend.”
“the museum of Natural history has, together with the nature and youth sweden has developed a vårteckenbingo that you can play in the nature. To get the bingo to check off all the species in a row in any direction.”
“All the signs of spring in the game: skylark, nässelfjäril, coltsfoot, ladybug, leaf, lapwing, citronfjäril, stare, stackmyra, hepatica, chaffinches, badger (track is also approved), wood pigeon, bumble bee, viper and peacock butterfly.”