“Severe fire in the barn”

“A barn east of Fliseryd, Mönsterås municipality, burns greatly.”

“the Barn is mounted together with an apartment complex.”

“– There is a risk of spreading, ” says Evelina Olsson, presstalesperson with the police in the southern region.”

“the Alarm came in around 21.30 on Saturday evening.”

“– It burns greatly. The forecast is that the work is going on to the morning, ” says Evelina Olsson.”

“the Barn is mounted together with an apartment complex. At the moment thats the only in the barn, but there is a risk of proliferation.”

“the People who live in the apartment complex shall have taken themselves out of their own accord.”

“According to information from the site, all the people were out, but it will do a second search to ensure it,” says Evelina Olsson.”

“There is no indication that any have been damaged.”

“– It is a rich building that is burning. It is as great as a sjumannafotbollsplan and five metres high, ” says Evelina Olsson.”

“There are no animals in the barn, however, there are vehicles in there.”

“– Many resources are there, both from the police and the emergency services. The ambulance is on the way if someone were to need care, ” says Evelina Olsson.”