Is it okay to use auto-tune to such an extent, as Maria & Bea make it in Friday’s ‘X Factor’, where they argued Coolios classic ‘Gangsta’s Paradise’?

No, thought more of the Ekstra users who followed the show live on Here was some of the comments.

the ‘auto-tune ……………. plat and humbug’

‘It has nothing with the song to make Oh Land. Pure auto-tune. The number itself fits, however the girls just fine.’

‘The two girls must go out in the evening, think it is allowed to use “artificial” sound.’

the Problem for Maria & Bea is that they can rap, while it is lagging more with the song. Thomas Culture also felt a need to address the artificial sound of rap-the girls.

Super cool event, but we have not seen it before in the program, to people who can’t sing, get the help of a program. It shines through what you need to work on. In need to learn how to swing. It is a supporting role, he said of the girls ‘ use of assistive devices.

As Extra the Blade met the rap duo after the program, they were far from unanimous in the criticism.

We bother to actually not hear the ‘I can’t sing, therefore, the use Of auto-tune’. Try to hear here, if you can’t understand that the auto-tune was to make something art and not make our voices nicer. It was to make a sound. Now try to understand something, thundered a clearly upset Maria back against the critics.

They reject, that it would be cheating, that they got the help of auto-tune.

– What is it that you do not understand?, it sounded from the rap duo.

Maria & Bea on the stage Friday night. Photo: Mogens Flindt

– How it becomes art. Had it not been better to fire it with your own voices?

– Try to hear. Can Kanye West sing? No, but he is one of the most influential rappers, and he uses auto-tune to emphasize the fact that he can’t sing, but he can create a nice sound and creating music as a work of art, explained Bea.

Film, tv & radio – 22. mar. 2019 – at. 22:07 Culture made the choice: I want to throw you all out

Their mentor, Oh Land also refused to Ekstra Bladet, that it would be cheating to use so powerful auto-tune, that you hardly can recognize a artists voice. She believes that auto-tune is a grip, one can use in today’s music.

And it is Maria & Bea agree.

– Try to hear. It’s not about being good at singing, it is about having the X Factor. Do you understand, brother, said the Sønderborg-the girls, the ending of:

– So that we manage the quite even, friends.

While Maria & Bea – despite the auto-tune the – went on from the programme, as had Patrick Smith watch the fourth live show will be the end of the line.