“Löfven was hailed as”
“Prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) feel a strong support in the party for januariavtalet with C and L.”
“He is not concerned about the democratic and social discontent.”
“– I experience it as a small bubble that goes around stating that this would be a big problem for the party. It is not there. We have strong support for januariavtalet, ” says Löfven.”
“S-the leader states that he had many conversations with partidistrikt and arbetarkommuner.”
” They know very well out in the municipalities and county councils that you have to make compromises.”
“S was januariavtalet with C, L and MP in order to be able to retain power and to keep the SD away from the influence. But criticism has come from several directions.”
“above all, the unions have been critical of the exceptions in turordningsreglerna should be expanded. The tenants ‘ association is protesting against the fact that market rents should be introduced for the new construction.”
“And in the socialist party there is a faction pushing for a more radical economic redistribution policies to reduce the gaps.”
“In his speech on the S-congress said Löfven to januariavtalet just to be seen as a”
“– Then we need to show that the heart is on the left side. We do not change values, ” says Löfven.”
“During the Friday evening general policy debate was some concern that the party shall make a right turn in politics and how the P-selector in such a case can react to it.”
“But some of the criticism’s management has concluded januariavtalet never came.”
“When the Leaves came in in the congress hall to make his speech on Saturday, he was hailed with long applause and was presented as the”
“– Yes, now you saw the thus, the man who checked us between grynnorna in the difficult period of time in which we now live. He always sets it up, he who never rests, you know, said presidieordförande Åsa Lindestam.”
“– He takes us through this difficult time, and he stands straight up for the party and Sweden’s sake. It is amazing.”
“In his speech compared the Video: januariavtalet with the social Democrats deal with the Agrarians in the 30’s to be able to be controlled.”
“– We were far-right extremists away from power, said the S-leader of januariavtalet.”
“A large part of the century was about to fight the class society with the education, further education, adult education, higher education, and the elementary school. Löfven stressed that the school is to even out class differences.”
“– it can be The battering ram against the class society that we want it to be,” he said.”
“the speech did not, however, no promises of new efforts to reduce the economic gaps.”
“The former party leader and former prime minister Göran Persson (S) thought the speech was good.”
“– Then it’s a difficult political position to keep the century in, for it is all about the most of the space for reforms is mortgaged. In this situation, to give a speech on a subject that is so associated with investments and reforms, but to have substance, it is difficult, ” says Persson to the TT.”
“Göran Persson is not particularly concerned about the consequences for the party of januariavtalet.”
” He could have said, that if this is tedious for social democracy, what it is, then, the Centre party and the Liberals? Their entire existence is put in question, ” says Persson.”
“Lennart Holmlund, a representative from the county of Västerbotten, also thought Löfvens speech was good.”
” I think it was good that he went back to the story and showed that in certain situations, the need to compromise in order to survive against högerkrafterna and that it has not been bad for the policy of such arrangements, he says to TT.”
“• Better conditions for entrepreneurs, which lowered the employer’s contribution.”
“• Removed war in 2020.”
“• Labour law should be modernised – extended the number of exemptions from turordningsreglerna.”
“• Stronger property rights for forest owners.”
“• Free rents for new construction shall be introduced.”
“• the Right to family reunification of subsidiary protection.”
“• the Language requirements for obtaining citizenship.”
“• Stop new religious private schools.”
“• A green tax shift of sek 15 billion.”
“• Forbidden to sell new gasoline – and diesel-powered cars from 2030.”
“Source: the Agreement between S, MP, C and L”