In 2010, Heike B. Görtemakers biography of Eva Braun appeared. The book was extremely successful, it has been translated into numerous languages. A glance at the bibliography of her new book answers the question, what has made the writer in the nine years since then. She has visited an impressive number of archives in Europe and the USA, and by a Wealth of sources worked. In addition, had taken shortly after the release of the book about Eva Braun, the son of Nicolaus von Below with the author’s contact. Below was from the summer of 1937 up to his death, Hitler’s air force adjutant, and was, especially in the last few years, to the innermost circle of the Entourage of the dictator.

Below had already played in the previous book an important role. But now the son of Claus Dirk gave of to Below, the author access to the blocked estates of his parents, who “had died as a upright national socialists”. Quickly Görtemaker, it became clear that the “leaders circle” (Albert spear) exists even after Hitler’s death for a long time, and this is particularly true for the spear, the image of the national socialist regime had helped to shape. Below junior grew up in this circle. The first part of the new book is dedicated to the emergence of “Hitler’s circle,” called the third, and last, in reference to Ulrich Raulffs monograph on Stefan George’s circle of the afterlife, “without a leader.'” The middle part of the book is the “Berghof society” dedicated to, who had also played in the Eva-Braun-biography of an important role.

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In Joachim fest in 1973, published in Hitler-biography there is a section “views of a non-person”. There is talk of Hitler’s “social irrelevance”: “The higher he climbed, the more the people around in a expanded empty space around him.” He was socially isolated and to have been personal contacts unable. Like so many legends that has become Firmly established under the influence of spear in the world, this is utter nonsense. Heike Görtemakers thorough investigation proves it impressively. It also shows that Hitler wanted to be early, not only drummers, but also a leader, and therefore make the most of key positions with people of his trust and occupied.

On the upper salt mountain has developed since the late twenties to the later “Berghof” – called house of wax box becoming more and more a Central activity centre of Hitler. He was always there for a longer time, but do not lead to a relaxing life beyond politics. Instead, he gathered his courtiers, held after the “seizure of power” meetings with military leaders and received and sometimes even state guests. In 1937 there were in the middle of Berchtesgaden is even a branch of the Reich Chancellery. The room where everything was not only empty of people: “for the end of the holidays, gathered on weekends, during the holidays in the summer, before the Reich party days and on new year’s eve is expecting about fifteen to twenty people, the Nazi leaders-servants, guards and other personnel. Half of them were women.“ Always Eva was brown, whose role had been underestimated at Hitler’s side until the release of Görtemakers biography widely.

Also Hitler’s Chauffeur and Pilot lights

The author takes the men played in the early time an important role and came to later prominence, such as Röhm, Rosenberg, Göring, or Goebbels, as well as less prominent, but important people such as the group adjutant, Fritz Wiedemann, Wilhelm Brückner, and Nicolaus von Below. What is striking is the total absence of Arthur mountain, Hitler’s house Director in the Reich Chancellery from 1933 to 1945, was for the whole of the “leader’s budget” responsibility, and with Hitler at the Berghof, the führer’s headquarters, and finally in the Bunker of the Reich Chancellery available.

the Chauffeur, Julius Schaub, and the Pilot, Hans Baur, Hitler, by nature, very often close to were, and their significance explained, as well as the secretaries, Christa Schroeder and Traudl Junge, the it in previous years, not least through its own journalistic efforts of some notoriety. Hitler’s lawyers are not, however, in the investigation at all. They would have complemented the presentation. Lorenz Roder was especially in the early years of importance. He defended again and again the national socialist criminals and members of gangs of thugs of the SA. in 1924 he was in the process of the Hitler-Ludendorff-Putsch was followed by that criminal defender of Hitler, Frick, Pöhner in front of the Bavarian people’s court, and he visited Hitler then several times in the Landsberg fortress prison.

Hans Frank organized the DC circuit, the justice

of Even greater importance, Hans Frank, who had participated in the March on the feldherrnhalle itself, to assistance after his state examination in 1926, soon Hitler’s most important law was, and later a major career, which brought him in 1946 in Nuremberg, a sentence of death by hanging. He was not only the personal lawyer of the “leader”, he organized and later as Reich Minister without portfolio, the co-option of the judiciary.

The second part of the book about the time from 1933 to 1945, ending with the assassination attempt of 20. July, 1944. This despite the fact that Hitler spent the last months of his life in the Reich Chancellery and Hitler’s bunker, where he was a part of his court was once again very close. Some, such as Joseph Goebbels and his family and to him a day earlier wedded wife Eva Braun went there with him in the death. This is Done, however, been in Görtemakers previous book was already presented in detail.

Not just a hanger-on

The topic of the new book Hitler’s court, its origin, its function and meaning in the NS-time and be more work after the end of the war. Görtemaker shows that many of these people were contrary to their own perception of not only followers, but also an accomplice. They believed in their “leader”, the most also be death. For the dictator, who held his own family at a distance and prefer to with people surrounded, he could control, had you as a substitute family, it had great importance. That is why the wives, such as Magda Goebbels, Emmy Göring, Ilse Hess, had played an important role. Magda Goebbels, as Görtemaker, contributed significantly to the close connection that developed over time between her husband and Hitler. The favor was returned, he told his Minister of propaganda, categorically, to separate from his wife.

The analysis of the innermost circle that surrounded the dictator and has found in the research rarely paid, is thoroughly and well-founded, of which not the least a very extensive note apparatus. Also worth noting is the imaging, which shows beyond the usual canons a Wealth of interesting recordings, from often a more private context. The advertising slogan of the publishing house, the book was a deconstruction of the “führer myth”, is a little bit high. However, the representation enriches our picture of the Nazi dictator’s essential facets. Worth a read you is all.

More about

history of The undiscovered role of Eva Braun

Ernst Piper

Heike B. Görtemaker: court of Hitler. The inner circle of the third Reich and thereafter. C. H. Beck Verlag, Munich, 2019. 528 p., 28 €.