Several of the trains that SJ are using are from the 1980s, which means it takes longer to get spare parts when something needs fixing. The recent past has more vehicles standing at the workshop than what the company had anticipated, with the result that more departures set.

One of the routes affected is the one between Hallsberg and Stockholm via Västerås. Where have morgonavgången with tågnummer 785 and eftermiddagsavgången with tågnummer 748 is set at a minimum of four weeks. The travelers DN has talked with is critical to the way SJ handled the situation and believes that communication has been inadequate. Despite the fact that SJ is known that a departure should be set for a whole week, the passengers are not always informed about it in time.

– You pay fully for a service which does not work in and with that they set up the day’s most important departures, ” says Ole Sollie, who commute between the cities of Västerås and Sundbyberg.

made in thirteen years, and feel that the rail service works better now than about ten years ago. However, he believes that there is still much to do, especially when it comes to communication and comfort.

– The train that goes before and after these cancellations have been overcrowded and there have not been seats to all. If the train gets out, people can be damaged. It does not feel like SJ is taking this seriously, ” he says.

another which has also been affected by the recent cancellations are Anna Karin Grahn. She commutes between London and Sunderland and appreciate that she only got the seat three times in a whole month.

In the fall, wrote SJ on how well prepared they were for the winter, but really it has not been. I wonder what they have done to prepare. In addition, they have provided conflicting information on when the cancellation of the flights are to start served again, ” says Anna Karin Grahn.

have been forced to stand there have been vacant seats in first class, ” she says. Anna Karin Grahn think that these also ought to be used.

” I buy that you get to stand sometimes, but when it is every day for several weeks will be one to last a little fussy. One time when I sat in the first class, I was kicked out of the conductor. It is clear that I would move me, if someone came up with a first class ticket, ” she says.

SJ is aware of the problems. Jan Church is a business manager and say that their ambition is that all customers should get the seat.

“Right now rolls all the wagons we can get,” he says and adds that SJ has recovered additional servicers from Luleå to solve vagnsbristen.

It is endorsed that people get to stand up in the train and an emergency application has a braking distance of at least 1,200 metres. Our assessment is not that it is worse to stand than to sit.

” It’s not our image that there are lots of empty seats in first class. Of the 27 departures running right now are many travelers on certain departures in the peak hours, even in first class.

” We have reduction plans which is used when we have limitations in the number of available vehicles. For this line, it means that the 27 departures of the 28 runs in each direction. There is still a wide range of frequencies, and considerably more than most others in the region.

Jan Church also says that it has purchased new trains that will eventually improve the situation on the route.

– All our clients are always welcome to contact us if you are not satisfied.