The 42-year-old, who is arrested and charged with the murder of a 47-year-old man on Stengårds All in Gladsaxe, was arrested at the scene of the crime in the morning and manufactured in grundlovsforhør in Court in Glostrup on Friday afternoon at 14.15.

senior prosecutor Peter Rask does not want to comment on the matter prior to the grundlovsforhøret. There are not yet taken a position on whether the doors will be the subject closed.

Ekstra Bladet has spoken with the neighbors at the scene of the crime, who stated that the arrested was a military-man, and it confirms the police.

– It is true that the arrested person is employed in the Defense, says Copenhagen is Ranked the Police, however, will not go into detail on the rank or other details.

It’s the same Defense.

– We can confirm that the man is employed in the Defense, says Christer Garden, press officer at the Joint Forsvarskommando.

Police were called to the address Friday morning at 7.18 to a notification that a man had been shot at a residence on Stengårds All in the Midwest.

There was, according to the Ekstra there were no eyewitnesses present at the skudepisoden.

When the police and ambulance shortly after reached the address, it was found that a 47-year-old man had died after shot in the upper body.

– We are still in the initial stage of the investigation, but at present it looks like a possible jalousidrab, says vicepolitiinspektør Charlotte Skovby.