The Logos emblazoned on the stadium bands, TV commercials run in a continuous loop – such as those in which Ex-footballers such as Oliver Kahn animated supposed passers-by at the bus stop to a bet. Advertising for sports betting Fans. The game of Tipico, Bet-at-home and co. seem to have no limitations. During a football game, Fans can speculate on the next goal, the next Foul, or the next red card. In the case of the football world Cup in Brazil, some vendors even offered the bet that the Uruguayan striker Suarez will bite a player on the court – much to the delight of some gamers, because that’s the way it came.

What is know, however, is hardly a: Who is typing online or in one of the many branches, moving in a legal grey zone. A nationwide permit for your business has not received private provider until today. The States want to legalize the wild hustle and Bustle of the bookmakers next year and to regulate. You have agreed on an Amendment to the state Treaty on gambling, this will soon be the leaders of the countries signed.

Less Live bets, less advertising

daily mirror tomorrow location


the Change could be the previous business model of many suppliers, but on the Brink to order. May have been particularly hard hit, Fans of Live betting. This would be approved according to current planning, starting next year, only to a limited extent. Tipsters are allowed to bet currently, for example, on the next goal or the next corner, while the game is running already, and could in the future be permitted only the Live-tip on the final result. For the provider that would be a major blow: Live betting would account for a share of 60 to 70 percent, according to the German sports betting Association (DSWV).

in Addition, to apply tougher guidelines in the game of protection. Providers would have to ensure that no Minors sign up. So far you must often just be age, who wants to withdraw any winnings. In addition, the bet organiser to stop those want to be more than 1000 per month. And also advertising for Online Casinos, there will be no more. So far, seems to be an important source of revenue for the sports betting provider, refer to their website on the offers of the Online betting halls. In addition, television advertising more stringent rules would apply. Whether the advertisement with Oliver Kahn, for example, may still be sent shortly before the Transmission of a game, seems questionable.

sports betting are now a billion-dollar market

The provider to be welcomed that there is in future a clear regulatory framework. At the same time, you criticize but outmoded rules. They fear that Fans might in the future have to resort to illegal bets: “In the digital age, unlicensed offers are just a click away on the Smartphone,” said Mathias Dahms, President of the DSWV. The player would move on the black market, would the Prime Minister, the youth and the protection of the game proved to be a disservice. That’s what it comes to, not believe in countries. “Under the provisions of the applicable state Treaty on gambling, it is possible that an attractive betting offer legally offer,” explained a spokesman for the North Rhine-Westphalian government.

With the regulation want to the countries is looking for something against game companies. The risk of addiction is also given in sports betting, explains Christine Köhler-Azara, the Country of narcotics, in Berlin. Not only Fans would bet money on their favorite team. The thrill of locke other, and the would part to use significant sums of money. Sports betting have long since become a billion-dollar market. In the past year, the betting should have reached a new record high, also due to important events such as the football world Cup in Russia. A total of 8.8 billion euros would be set gamblers in this country on sporting events, such as a study by the consultancy company Goldmedia shows. Only five percent of them landed in the national brand Oddset, which is supported by the lottery companies and for a long time a monopoly on sports betting had. The Rest flowed to the private operator.

the regulation is the responsibility of the States

good business thanks to Tipico, Bet-at-home and co. the lack of regulation. The reasons for the dispute between the individual book are the law makers and the Federal States as well as in the year-long dispute between the countries themselves. The regulation of gambling is largely a matter for member States. However, not every state law firm creates its own rules, had countries agreed in 2011 to a joint state Treaty on gaming. This stipulated that private sports betting provider must apply for a license, and also to the specifications.

The Problem is that The contract included a limited number of licenses, only 20 applicants were originally supposed to get. But on the other hand, disadvantaged providers had complained. And as long as there is no final decision, the competent Ministry of the interior in Hesse, no concessions. The provider occupations, but at the same time on the EU freedom of movement. Many of them have instead licenses from tax weights, such as Malta or Gibraltar.

In the third attempt it worked

on top of that the States have never become properly United. Schleswig-Holstein, the planned liberalisation does not go far enough. The North Germans, demanded to legalize in addition Online Casinos. Therefore, instead of the state Treaty on gaming of 2011, has distributed the Land in the short hand of their own licenses, before it agreed to the contract after the change of government two years later. And also a second change attempt in the year 2017 failed at the will of the schleswig-Holstein state government – again, after a change of government. This provided for an unlimited number of licenses to issue in order to avoid the dispute with the providers.

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sports bets in the media, In safe hands?

Markus Ehrenberg

In the third attempt, the Federal States have decided to make the Change in the state contract. After the signing of the countries ‘ heads of government, the individual country must ratify the parliaments of the Change. And on another point, the Parties have agreed: as of July 2021 an entirely new contract. About what should be in there, need to inform the countries.