It is only a short paragraph in a long Facebook Post: The Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg reminded that atomic energy could be the world’s intergovernmental panel on climate change IPCC according to which “a small part of a very large new carbon-free energy solution”. Not only in the nuclear country of Germany, exit this triggered violent reactions. Thunberg added, then your Post with the statement that she is personally against nuclear power.

she receives support from the German climate protection activist Luisa Neubauer: “Greta has clearly highlighted that they are opposed personally to nuclear energy,” said Neubauer, “Fridays-for-Future” -school strikes in Germany is one of the organizers.

they Also oppose nuclear power as a source of energy for Germany, alone, for safety reasons. The question of whether nuclear energy climate could be friendly, therefore: “The Germans have missed it for the past 20 years, a rapid Carbon phase-initiate. That’s why we should take care of us.“

climate activists fear no impact on protests

fears that could connect because of the discussion of Thun Berg’s statements are less people in the demonstrations, Neubauer: “anyone Who interferes with it, you should look at the IPCC Report, and then Greta’s post again for more detail read.”

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In the mentioned report 2014 of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, nuclear energy as a Mature base-load power source with low greenhouse gas emissions. You could, therefore, provide an increasing contribution to low-carbon energy supply.

however, This is not all: “however, There are a variety of obstacles and risks”, reports of the IPCC on the basis of the reviewed scientific literature. The risks in the mining of uranium and the operation of the facilities, as well as the unresolved final disposal problem. Concerns exist regarding the spread of nuclear weapons.

World’s 450 nuclear reactors in operation

Despite these risks, it is used in nuclear power, according to the World Nuclear Association (WNA) in the world. A total of around 450 nuclear reactors in 30 countries are currently in operation. In the construction of approximately 50 reactors in 15 countries, mostly in China, India, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates are the WNA, at the moment.

Turkey, Too, has plans: The contract for the construction of the first nuclear power plant in the country, the Russian state-owned company Atomstroyexport got. He will later deliver the fuel and the spent fuel rods.

Russia often provides financing and construction from one source – also in Bangladesh, where currently the first nuclear power plant. Despite these Figures suggest a revival of nuclear power, were 2013, 18 nuclear power plants more in construction than it is today. The nuclear electricity production is stagnating, while the generation of electricity from Renewable waxes steadily, and said in the World Nuclear Industry Status Report.

unlike in Germany, has swept the nuclear power due to safety and acceptability reasons, the back, and in many other countries, economic Considerations, and that the new reactors will be invested. In the US, for example, cheap Fracking-natural gas and the falling cost of Wind and solar power, new nuclear power plants unattractive. Within five years there, five reactors were shut down prematurely, and many of the other must be government-subsidized. In the UK, several new building projects were shelved.

Nuclear power plants take decades to investment costs

Because nuclear power plants are extremely expensive in construction and need decades for your investment to record cost to record. Under current market conditions – uncertain development of Electricity prices – are their chances of a return are shaky. In order to be for investors, is less interesting than, for example, renewable energies. If climate protection is desired reasons are dependent new reactors, therefore, highly dependent on government funding.

In Germany, with its traditionally strong environmental and Anti-nuclear movement, the nuclear disaster led to the Fukushima, Japan, in March 2011 to phase out nuclear power. “Fukushima has changed my attitude to nuclear energy,” said Angela Merkel (CDU), at that time Chancellor of a black-yellow government in the Bundestag. Only a few months earlier, the government had decided to extend the operating times for atomic power plants and the Red-Green phasing revised. After Fukushima, it was said, by 2022, Germany should exit nuclear power. A “Herculean task”, as Merkel stressed in her speech – but in the light of the Fukushima nuclear disaster is necessary.

coal exit is controversial

“After two turns through 180 degrees, you have arrived exactly where Red-Green things already designed”, ranting and raving, the former SPD parliamentary leader Frank-Walter Steinmeier. However, the Opposition moved. With a large majority of the Bundestag decided, finally, to the final phase-out of nuclear energy.

in the Meantime, the coal is the current energy exit was a political issue and he also is in dispute: “Germany can’t get off the same time as the nuclear and coal power”, is an Argument, especially from Conservatives. It focuses on security of supply and electricity prices.

These points also had the coal Commission. She suggested, therefore, that Germany retires starting in 2022, gradually from the coal. Also effects of power plant to switch-off will be checked on the electricity market on a regular basis. Accordingly, the path should be slowed down or accelerated.

Germany is looking for a location for a Repository

During the renovation of its energy system, Germany is a world-wide model. “Germany now controls in an energy system that is highly flexible and very low risk. This is an advantage,“ says Felix Matthes, head of climate policy at the Öko-Institut. “All the countries in the future strongly on atomic energy, will have to live with the tension of how you will handle technically and economically with technology that is expensive and also inflexible.” On the chances of a renewable energy system, Merkel in 2011 had pointed out, as she brought the German nuclear phase-out, close to you.

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Amy Walker

gets The use of nuclear power leaves behind, in any case, a difficult heritage: Up to 2031 a German site for highly radioactive nuclear waste should be found. The search is time-consuming. And so Germany is not alone: to date, there is not a single Repository for highly radioactive nuclear waste.