the Sun shines from a clear sky over the county of Yorkshire, where the main road is like a black piece of string through all of the green.

A hundred men and women will wandering on the line in the shoulder, at a brisk pace.

– It has rained every single day until now. However, today it is a delight to walk, ” says Taz Jennings, and let the sun warm my face.

Day three on the long march. The participants go from Great Ayton outside Middlesbrough to Swainby. Photo: Mark Earthy

For everyday he lives in Thailand, but in the backpack he carries a folded ”Union Jack”flag.

” I believe in democracy, and I believe in our united kingdom. It is going on now is pure extortion from the EU’s side, ” says Taz Jennings.

in a deep political crisis because of Brexit. But for Taz Jennings and the other activists in this march, the solution is not a contract or an advanced Brexit, as Theresa May now have taken the initiative – without leaving the EU without agreement.

” Sure, a avtalslös Brexit have negative effects for companies that are dependent on the EU. But so it is, after all, divorce: you are afraid and it can sometimes require sacrifices, ” says Taz Jennings.

of the Uk’s voters agree with him. According to a new measurement as the institute Comres made The Daily telegraph’s count, the support for a avtalslös Brexit greatly increased in recent times.

– To conclude an agreement requires trust, and I trust neither in the EU or on our politicians. This is a betrayal, ” says the 42-year-old Belinda De Lucy, who also goes in march.

To conclude an agreement requires trust, and I trust neither in the EU or on our politicians,” says marschdeltagaren Belinda de Lucy, 42, from London. Photo: Mark Earthy

the ”Brexit Betrayal March” is called in English (approx. The march towards Brexit-the betrayal), and the large dragplåstret is Nigel Farage, högerpopulisten who previously led the nationalist party Ukip.

three years ago, he was lämnakampanjens big frontalgestalt, and now he is threatening to stand for election to the EUROPEAN parliament for its new Brexitparti – if the british would be forced to participate in the elections, want to say.

“If they think they can run over us, then we will respond by marching straight over them,” said Farage, when the trek began in Sunderland on Saturday.

visible Farage, however, not to. The organizers explains that he is only involved in three or four of the fourteen distance. The walkers are also carefully selected to not make it for Farage. His former party, Ukip, has radicalized and, in practice, been taken over by the extreme right – and he is, therefore, the distance to a part of their old friends.

If there is something he british högerpopulist, however, it is the political approach. And here in the north of England, he and the other ”brexitörer” appear to strongly support this day are many drivers to show their support for the march.

” They have the right, I think. Some are Brexit complicated, but it was the reason the politicians got two years to prepare for EU exit, says the 49-year-old Edward Parrish, who works in a mine in the area.

the March in the way. One of those who sympathize with brexitörerna is Edward Parrish. Photo: Mark Earthy

He voted to leave the EU.

” We have received too many immigrants. We need more control. There are brits who do not have jobs, and we should arrange the job to them first. Some may not want to work, but then it should put more pressure on them, before taking in people from outside, ” says Parrish.

would object to the argument. New statistics show that unemployment in Britain has fallen to 3.9 per cent, the lowest figure since 1975 – and if it were not for the more than three million EU citizens in the country, the economy is likely to suffer serious labour shortages.

the Government has promised to those who now find themselves in the country to be allowed to stay, but many employers are worried that EU citizens still must leave the country after the Brexit.

at the same time, warns the Bank of England for severe supply shocks at a avtalslös Brexit, which can lead to a substantial deceleration of the economy.

” You have been deceived! Deceived!

outraged. He stands wrapped in an EU flag at the rest stop, where they blåklädda the walkers have stopped at a foodtruck to buy äggsmörgåsar and Yorkshire tea.

“unlike you I listen to what the experts say, and virtually all of the experts agree that a avtalslös Brexit would pose enormous problems for our country,” says Steven Richards, who on this day is alone motdemonstrant.

Steven Richards is the only motdemonstranten DN encounter on this day. Photo: Mark Earthy

He belongs to the other extreme in Brexitdebatten – anyone who wants to have a new referendum.

” Now there is more information, and people have been given the chance to form an opinion. So, yes, there may be no again, but I am prepared to take the risk, ” says Richards.

made for The Observer now supports 43 per cent of the british to Brexit is delayed, if it leads to a second referendum. But among those who want to leave the EU without agreement in the next week, the mere thought of a delay provocative, not to mention the proposal for a new referendum, as many lämnaaktivister see as undemocratic.

Interesting enough is the support for these two radical opposing views – a ”no deal” and a new referendum – stronger, out on the streets and squares, than among the members of the british parliament.