a Short time before the election campaign officially finished in time, comes the country’s doctors, with a serious alarm-call to the politicians. More than 80 percent of doctors believe health care will get enough money to cope with the pressure from, among others, the growing number of older people.

It shows a Gallup poll among more than 700 physicians as the medical association is behind, they write the Newspaper.dk.

– It is a worrying development, we have the brand for a number of years. It is kollegaernes daily lives, as I myself have experienced when I worked at the hospital, says Andreas Rudkjøbing, Doctors president.

He fears an election campaign, where the seriousness drowns in opaque talkrige:

– I miss that one takes the increasing number of older people seriously. We get more patients and citizens demand more, they want faster and many patients will, for example, like to have private rooms. It is understandable, but it can not be redeemed without money, says Andreas Rudkjøbing.

He backed up, among other Older Case:

– In many cases older hospitalized and comes to lie in the hallway or crowded living rooms. Overcrowding in a health care system is in itself a sign of disease, and this means that there are more patients than there are staff to look after them and care for them properly, says the director in the Older Case Bjarne Hastrup.

the President of the Danish Sygeplejeråd, Grete Christensen, warned Tuesday that the health service faces a ‘meltdown’.

– the Politicians say, they put more money, but it is not the goal of pharmaceutical expenditure, the new tasks and requirements for treatment. The politicians are not much to give, and so end up the problem with the front staff, said the nurses ‘ president.

Minister promises money
health Minister Ellen Trane Nørby (V) takes the health workforce wake-up call and seriously:

– Their frustration is a clear sign that there is a need for changes in the way we run the health service, the minister says to the Newspaper.dk.

the Minister suggest that the reform will ease the pressure on hospitals by moving more of the non-specialized treatment out of the hospitals and give priority to the training of more staff.

She will not back up on the Doctors desire that the economy of the health system is lifted by two per cent per year up to 2025, but the promise, however, that there is money on the way:

– the Government will Nærhedsfonden extraordinary pledge to close health care with six billion, and it is well to brand money, which comes in addition to the money, in the future we will lift the health and social care. So I share the Doctors desire that health care be lifted.

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