“Never had so little damage on ancient monuments”
“the Number of damage to ancient monuments in the forest and the land declines, according to a new survey by the Forestry commission.”
” We have never had so little damage and serious injuries, which is heartening. Mainly it is about it has been great training in the field and to the forest companies that harvest forest have seen over their routines, ” says AnnKristin Unander, inventeringsledare on the national board of Forestry.”
“the Survey, which is conducted annually since seven years back, was carried out in the last year, at 415 harvesting and 900 individual remnants over the whole country. It shows that the number of injuries or serious damage decreased from 20 to 13 per cent since the previous year.”
“According to The Swedish forest agency is the single biggest contributor to ancient monuments damage still scarification, followed by vehicle damage. The damage is likely to reduce in future, think AnnKristin Unander.”
“– We have relatively recently begun with the annual surveys, and there is a slight delay in the results when the inventory takes place three years after harvesting. So my hope is that it continues in the right direction, ” she says.”