That is far from sold out landskampene, the rattles down and the team skrumpler further and further away from the medals. Add on top of that Klavs Bruun Jørgensen’s national team gathered appear in gray, and profilløst, and you can sense the contours of a problem.

An otherwise håndboldtosset nation is about to get taken in decembers darlings.

IN the DHF recognises the problem, and the team he will play Morten Henriksen is concerned. The team does not sell the goods!

– I must, of course, after having gone around in France during the EM recognise that I also saw an expression that was a little tame. If we just win, we have to be loved by the Danish population. However, we must see in the eyes, so it isn’t easy to win, notes sportschefen.

– It is important for DHF, that we are loved and to bring together the Danish population – regardless of whether we win or lose. We must be an open, approachable and credible national team, as brander håndbolden well, ” says Morten Henriksen.

He relates directly to the impression, the media and viewers had of a national team, there crept more and more into hiding under the EM.

– On me it may well seem as if the players sometimes keep a little again. I see that they’re crazy ambitious and working hard. I can also see that it is not the image that is in the media, and it hurts me, he says.

Morten Henriksen in an interview with TV2’s expert Bent Nyegaard during training in Nantes at the european championships in december. Photo: Lars Poulsen
Therefore, the players ‘ approach and interaction with the media has become a part of the agenda in connection with the Golden League, the national team play in France from Thursday to Sunday.

We were aware of this issue within EM and can see that it does not become less relevant, now we come on the other side. We need to find out how we can help players to be more comfortable and be more popular, as it is a paragraph, when you are on the national team, says sportschefen and adds:

– Players are very welcome to express feelings. But it must be an internal desire that drives the work, and I can fret me, we haven’t gotten dressed them well enough for the part.

Is pressed?

– I will say that the warning signs are there in comparison to the falling audience figures, and we must also say that it is not as easy to sell tickets, which it was. When the lamps start to flash, we must take it seriously. It helps not to stand about three years and ask why we did not do anything. There is a good opportunity now, says Morten Henriksen.

The easiest route back towards ’The iron Ladies’ would be to win a lot of håndboldkampe. The european championships in 2020 on the Danish and Norwegian because is sportschefens best bet of success in the near future.

– unfortunately, I must admit that it’s not going to be easy at the WORLD cup in Japan this year. I was disappointed after the european championships in France. We were further away than any of us bargained for.

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