The top three Swiss currency guardians received nearly 920 000 francs, as the on Thursday published the annual report. President, Thomas Jordan (-60’000 Fr.) and Fritz Zurbrügg (-23’000) were thus something less than in the previous year, Andréa Maechler ( 13’000).

Including the employer’s contributions, pension plans and retirement compensation are, however, slightly different. Jordan and zurbruegg received 1.22 million Swiss francs, Maechler 1.18 million.

Canton of share drops under 50%

also Known is the exact shareholder structure at the end of 2018 with the annual report. Accordingly, the cantons and the cantonal banks held just under 50 per cent of the national Bank (49,6%), after it were the end of 2017 is still 50.6 percent.

Of the other registered shares in the amount of a good 26 percent of the share capital was according to the biggest part owned by private shareholders. The share of the unregistered shares (Dispo shares) amounted to 24 percent.

The cantons and the cantonal banks, however, remain in the SNB’s decisive. The proportion of the voting shares even took easily to 77.4 75.8 percent, while the private shareholders came to 22.0 percent. Shareholders who do not belong to the public sector, are known to be entitled to a maximum of 100 shares of the voting. The Confederation is not a shareholder of the SNB.

the Largest shareholders according to the annual report of the Canton of Bern with 6.63 per cent (6’630 shares), the German Theo Siegert, with a total of 5.24 per cent (5’240 shares), the Canton of Zurich 5.20% (5’200 shares), the Canton of Vaud, with 3.40 per cent (3’401 shares) and the Canton of St. Gallen with 3.00 percent (3’002 shares). (Dec/sda)

Created: 21.03.2019, 08:49 PM