in 1986 ranged 6.5 million Americans hands. The huge human chain was a charity action to help the Hungry and homeless in the United States. Numerous Stars were there, from the magician David Copperfield on the now ostracized Michael Jackson and then President Ronald Reagan.

to is If now, at the beginning of the horror film “Us” the look on an old TV, where the Logo “Hands Across America” appears, it is not a coincidence, but one of the many symbols of this Film , such as a honeycomb pattern.

strong evidence

That the Director, Jordan Peele, along with signs and hints, he proved on his debut album “Get Out” (2017): An African-American photographer with his white girlfriend’s parents visit, however, the black servants seem to be in a kind of trance, a state prisoner, and the supposedly liberal party, guests turn out to be racists. Peele succeeded there, an atmosphere of unease through the Details of invoking: at the beginning of a deer in front of the car, the only black at the party the hero understands the ghetto fist greeting, finally, the Hero is made by the circles of a teaspoon to heel.

In the “Us” of the Director once again to image strong hints: It starts with white rabbits in cages, a Bible quote, and the “Hands Across America”campaign. In that benefit year, in 1986, the film Schauermär also: The young Adelaide, visited with their parents a year market, but in a house of mirrors with the inscription “lost will Find you” and not a word more. Years later, she seems to have some of the masses caught. Anyway, we meet Adelaide as an adult woman (Lupita Nyong’o) as she travels with her husband (Winston Duke) and the two children to the same place on holiday, where she was as a child.

of course This is not a good idea, not even in narrative point of view, but as long as the psycho-gram of the family agrees, you may in the starting position already a little cheating. Peele provides at least immediately for anxiety, by emphasizing the contemplative presence with a classic motif from the fishing: As one Evening the clock at 11.11 remains (what the quoted Bible passage from the book of Jeremiah), four living creatures in red suits with scissors armed in the driveway of the holiday house. There are the doppelgangers of the family. Quickly you do not overwhelm the original, previously called the police (why, will become clear later), and choppy, only one of these murder funny characters appears, breathless sentences capable of – the image of Adelaide, which met the young girl at the time, in the mirror Cabinet.

Bloody class struggle

Jordan Peele uses this nightmare scenario to aim at the Monstrous in all of us. In the movie it shows especially in that curious scene, as the family argues about who is allowed to drive the getaway car; it’s supposed to be that Person, which has killed most of the DoppelgangeR. “Us” can also be used as a parable a word and right loosely shadow society to read to rebel after years of scraping by, simply, finally, and prompt of a privileged layer of the slaughtered. Now the Director lets this bloody class struggle of predominantly black protagonists to play through, testifies to a self-understanding that would have been unthinkable a few years ago.

What remains of this Film is – on one hand – the jet-black Humor. Director Jordan Peele was a Comedy star, before he entry into the film business, and “Get Out” flash was always comedic elements. As he pulls, but now the verdrogten rap song uses “I Got 5 on It” and the film classic “Kevin – Home Alone”, the cocoa, the bloody carnage all around almost forgot. The summit of the Grotesque: As a white family of doppelgangers is falling, calls out to the last Surviving member of the electronic financial help, you should call the police. The smart robot plays on the Song “Fuck tha Police”.

on the Other hand, the Us is a Film that lives from its Actresses. As Elisabeth is, for example, Moss (“The Report of the maid”), who plays a boozy, well-Known, and as her own DoppelgangeR in the mouth so much warp, that takes care of your jaw. And then the main character: Lupita Nyong’o’s shaking as an endangered mother like a leaf, full of jerk-it-like movements and expanding landscapes your eyes to the actual Soul. As a DoppelgangeR, in turn, Nyong’o speaks with a voice that seems to come directly from hell. More horrible we heard in a movie anyway.

From today in the cinemas.


Created: 20.03.2019, 22:34 PM