It is fixed-term and freelancer at SVT Culture who signed the petition. You engage in the text by expressing that the current personnel policy on the public service company threatens some of the fundamental missions of the SVT.

In the text listed three areas of concern: the quality of SVT:s program, a destructive work environment, and the economy. They mention the lack of security and long-term perspective, and takes as an example that 12 of the 15 reporters that during the month of march was in the service culture news fixed-term contracts.

the point, a destructive work environment, write to the precarious contracts make it difficult to plan life:

”Also, is the SVT’s cultural division is a high-performance environment. It makes many of us become stressed out, burned out and sick. Several of us have feelings of having been abused, manipulated, neglected, exhausted, and afraid to take different decisions in life – for example, to raise a family. It creates a tystnadskultur. SVT is such a big player in the tv market that you as a freelancer cannot afford to make demands on their employers,” write the employees, which concludes the text with:

”first Of all, we wonder, again: wherein lies the profit in the current system? We would like to SVT changing its human resources now.”

to the DN writes Jessika give your, the host of SVT’s litteraturprogram ”Babylon” and one of those who signed the petition:

”Sometimes it feels like being together with a nice guy. He is funny and wonderful and smart, and when he shows an attention so there is no better place, but he can’t PROMISE anything. ’What? Well, we have never said that we should be exclusive?’ And he only responds to text messages when he feels like it and his power over the one is that you never really get to know if your love is reciprocated. It makes you yearns, and often feel more useless than it perhaps deserves. (Observed you ’might’? Just so.)

As the host (and quite a gapig person), I have both a voice and a position that I can use, something that many of my colleagues do not have. I have seen – and see – so many talented and well-liked and hard-working employees suffer, be abused, become sick, become sidelined and kicked (or, it is called it is not when you are a freelancer, you will just not get renewed confidence, perhaps?) without daring or being able to speak up. It is the tystnadskulturens big problem, that it is a catch 22 – it is said from the risk to be seen as ’complicated’ and may not remain at a job you love, and you say no, you blame yourself.

all in All, this makes our workplace into a place that is much more afraid and ofriare and sicker than it needed to be.”

that made several big tv productions for Swedish television, has she also signed the appeal. She writes in a comment to the DN: ”I have not been inside and worked in the house in many years, much due to the current policy, so I’m probably not the most qualified to speak. What I can say is that it is very difficult, as the external/not employed to work for/with SVT. It is low fees, often unreasonable schedules and it is difficult to act as a creator in such a environment. Which is a shame, as it is actually on the SVT are so huge opportunities to make good software with nice people.”

Jenny Nordlander, head of the culture news, also writes to DN about why she chose to sign the petition: ”I am writing in solidarity with all the incredible colleagues, for the competence and loyalty, which has SVT but to be given back. For this system is not good for anyone, it can’t even see how it is defensible purely financial in many cases.”

published shortly after that several former employees at SVT, Lina Thomsgård, Daniel Sjölin and Carin Hjulström, openly vädrat criticism of its human resources policy. Amanda Horne, a trade union representative for SJF who signed the petition, tell DN that she is in on Tuesday, in the context of a staff meeting as the bosses at SVT culture and society in Stockholm have been called, read out the text.

Lina Thomsgård and Daniel Sjölin stories aroused the emotions and thoughts of the editorial staff. There is a lot bubblat under the surface and lifted on the lid and told me about their experiences and thoughts about working as a freelance and temporary worker here, ” says Amanda Horne.

She says that the appeal is directed partly to the lead at SVT culture and society, and the senior management at public service company. According to Amanda Horne expressed the management, in connection with Tuesday’s staff meeting, that a change is on the way, in the first instance on culture news.

– They stated that the organisation should be reviewed and it should be something to present before the summer. Exactly what it here, we do not know, but we want more people to become permanent employees. It is our requirement, but we’ll see if they deliver it, ” says Amanda Horne.

SVT:s HR and corporate communications director Sabina Rasiwala a blog post on how temporary employment is used in the public service of the company. She then wrote, inter alia, that all employment forms used on the SVT ”is regulated in accordance with Swedish law and collective agreements, which were signed with the representatives of our employees.”

”the SVT is a mobile workplace with exciting tasks. We are pleased that our employees often want to stay long on the SVT and develop in their professions. We have the privilege to work together with the best. But in order to be perceived as an attractive workplace, we must become better at explaining the expectations and conditions that come with employment with us,” wrote Sabina Rasiwala in the blog post.

IN the GP speaks with co-host Janne Josefsson, Rickard Olsson and Kristina Hedberg also critical of how the fixed-term employees on the SVT are treated.

” Young journalists spin around in a treadmill and forced to jump around in different places. It is all very well when you are in your twenties, but when you are forced to continue working with such uncertain conditions, in ten, fifteen years it is of course not good, ” says Janne Josefsson, a former presenter of the programme ”uppdrag granskning”, to the GP.

the SVT head after the appeal: ”Truly regrettable”