The Federal government is lagging increasingly behind their self-imposed targets for biodiversity. So the decline in population in the bird species has accelerated since 1992, significantly, as Figures from the Federal show-wide recognition programs. According to a calculation by almost a half a billion birds live in Europe, meanwhile, less than 40 years ago. The cultivation of energy plants such as rapeseed and Corn has exacerbated the Situation, according to experts. the Thomas crumb Acker

The Federal government wants to present itself at the UN biodiversity conference in the next year as a driving force for environmental protection and nature conservation. “Germany will push for rapid progress in the protection of biodiversity,” says environment Minister Svenja Schulze for the Beijing Meeting, at which new global targets for biodiversity are to be defined. The Beijing provisions are likely to be for the Survival of animal and plant species are also crucial, as it was the Paris climate agreement for the protection of the earth’s atmosphere. Germany has a particularly important role to play in China, because it has taken over the presidency of the Council and the positions of all EU countries in a coordinated manner.

The more view the rest of the delegations to the biodiversity balance sheet of the largest EU country. And behind the self-imposed objectives, such as the condition of the bird world in Germany, which is an important indicator for the biodiversity. From data of Federal acquisition programs, for the period from 1992 to 2016 is not clear that the decline of bird stops, especially species in the agricultural landscape, but even more significantly accelerated.

lose, Apparently, as a result of insect mortality, particularly such species of birds, more and more ground, which depend on the insects as food. Almost every third insect-eating bird species in Germany in their stock dramatically, a finding by experts of the Federal office for nature conservation (BfN), the umbrella Association of German Avifaunisten (DDA) and the authorities of the Federal States have analysed the data. Since 2016 is likely to have been the situation in many places aggravated. The analysis is the basis for the accountability report to the Federal government for the implementation of the European bird protection Directive of the EU Commission. The status report must be submitted every six years and will be handed over in the summer to EU environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella.

The number of partridges has declined in the past 25 years, to 89 percent

most so-called open-country species, which need meadows for their Survival on the meadows, and arable land are threatened in this country – habitats in which they compete on every square inch of Green with the intensive agriculture. For some of them the situation of existence is threatening the German partridge Population accounted for according to the analysis, a decline of 89 percent within 25 years, the lapwing, the decline is 88 per cent. The “bird of the year” in 2019, the lark field, took off in its stock, according to the data, almost half (45 percent), and fight now together with the whinchat (minus 58 per cent) in the agricultural landscape to Survive.

The scientists will not only alert the strong extent of the Inventory declines among farmland birds. The crisis hits to your observation, more and more types. Since the last report for the EU Commission six years ago, the number of open-country species with stock losses have almost doubled, says Christoph Sudfeldt, organized as a managing Director of the DDA, the scientific bird monitoring in Germany. “Now there are already almost 60 percent of all the species of this habitat.”

The birds do not disappear in Germany. In the whole of Europe, there are break-ins in the area of agricultural bird species. So, the European “Farmland Bird indicator declined” since 1980, to 56 percent. On the Basis of this European monitoring programme of the British Ecologist Richard Inger, has calculated that by 2014, and in Europe in the meantime nearly half a billion birds live less than 40 years ago.

the main cause of bird loss on fields, Fields and meadows experts have Long agreed: The always monotonere agricultural landscape with too few uncultivated niches for birds and insects, and too much use of chemicals. “The cultivation of energy crops has further exacerbated the Situation,” complains Sudfeldt with views of the large-scale cultivation about rape and Maize. Meanwhile, almost every fifth agricultural square meters are cultivated energy crops.

The new findings show that the Federal government missed an important target. In its National biodiversity strategy for the implementation of the “earth summit” in Rio in 1992 concluded the UN Convention on biological diversity, she has spent as a target to achieve by 2020, a “significant increase in biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems”. At least for the birds, the Figures show – a year before the Beijing UN conference – to the contrary.

A turning point towards a greener agriculture is currently unlikely

The President of the Federal Environment Agency, Beate Jessel, argues in the light of the data on the situation of the birds for a vigorous change of course in agricultural policy in both Germany and the EU. Already in the agricultural report, in 2017, her authority had made it clear “that both the common agricultural policy of the EU, as well as the national implementation for the conservation of the biological diversity have failed,” says Jessel. “They make no substantial contribution to the continued loss of biological diversity in the agricultural landscapes in order to counteract,” is her conclusion. Also Sudfeldt draws a negative balance sheet with a view to the diversity of species. “The efforts of the EU, the ills of the agriculture provisions in the Common agricultural policy, have largely failed. “Our Numbers leave no doubt.”

Jessel calls to take in the ongoing negotiations on the future financing of the EU agricultural policy-a new start for a greener agricultural policy. “Although it looks then, as if the Chance for a genuine Agricultural revolution would have taken, however, we are not allowed to let loose”, she claims.