There is nothing that can divide the waters as, respectively, Pia Kjærsgaard and small children.

When you mix the two elements, you get, apparently, an explosive cocktail. That was the case Monday, as Pia Kjærsgaard, in virtue of his office as president of the Danish parliament chose to throw Mette Abildgaard from the conservatives out, because she had her five-month-old baby in the house.

the Danish policy – 19. mar. 2019 – at. 16:04 Here throw Pia K. baby out of Folketingssalen

It has now been several politicians to choose sides on social media. The extra Magazine went on the streets to hear what the danes think about the matter.

– I think it’s tragic that you as a mother should leave her child to strangers, when someone like Pia Kjærsgaard can’t put themselves into the same place. We are talking about a woman who has worked as a social and health care, and yet she has no sympathy or empathy for her mother’s situation. It is unprofessional.

Sam Jensen. Photo: Jonas Olufson

the Danish policy – 19. mar. 2019 – at. 21:09 Mette Abildgaard thrown out with the baby: Here are the politicians ‘ reactions

– I do not seem to have her children at work. Now I know not whether the child has cried in the will its alternative. cloud. It is a little hard just to throw the baby out, but I’m on a public site, where people have their children with them to work, and I think it is annoying.

Anja Christophersen. Photo: Jonas Olufson

– the Parliament is of course not a kindergarten, but if you are in an emergency situation, it’s okay. Nor do I believe there are many modern jobs, who would say no to something like that, so why should the Parliament not reflect it? I think that maybe that Pia Kjærsgaard are a little tight in the cover – also in this context.

Lasse Görlitz. Photo: Jonas Olufson

– it sounds a little hard. If it were me though, there was the newly-baked mom and got the message, I would probably be quite angry. You can’t really do anything else. If such a sweet baby, not disturb, so I can’t see the problem.

Marie Hjørnholm. Photo: Jonas Olufson