Shortly before the EU-summit wants to convince the British head of government Theresa May , the other member States with a letter from a Brexit-shift. May should request in the Letter to EU Council President Donald Tusk, an extension of the deadline, the spokesman said on Tuesday, after a Cabinet meeting in London. According to reports, she wants to obtain a delay that is significantly longer than a few months. The EU became increasingly impatient with the British.

Mays letter should be in the course of Tuesday, but no later than on Wednesday to be sent, the spokesman said. In media, the speech was a report that the Prime Minister will ask for a postponement of leaving the EU by a year. Your spokesman made. So far, it is provided that the UK, the EU on 29. March leaves.

The other 27 EU States must approve a Brexit-deferral unanimously. You demand a clear solution proposals from London. The extension of the deadline on the 29. March, was “neither self-evident nor automatically”, it said on Tuesday from the Elysée Palace in Paris.

“time is running out”

EU negotiator, Michel Barnier, called for the case of a long displacement of the Brexit “something New” from London. He spoke of “a new event, a new political process”. For this case, it had been speculated in the past about elections, or a second Brexit Referendum.

the Federal government Also showed itself to be indignant about London. “The time is running out,” warned Minister of state for Europe Michael Roth (SPD) during a Meeting with his EU colleagues in Brussels. “There must be an end to the game.” The British would have to finally “deliver”. The mood among the EU States was “very bad”.

The British house of Commons had rejected the EU negotiated exit contract last week for the second Time. May wanted to put him actually ahead of the EU summit on Thursday to vote again. Parliament speaker John Bercow had, however, on Monday, citing a rule from the 17th century. Century explains, the government could leave a unchanged template not vote again.

The EU Changes at the actual exit of the contract declines. Barnier offered but Changes to an accompanying political Declaration on the future of relations. They could be made “in the coming days, more ambitious,” he said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said in Berlin that she would fight “until the last hour” for an orderly Brexit. There is “still some time of the day” for an agreement. In view of the unclear situation, you see, however, “to speculate as to this hour, unable, somehow, to what I’m going to be on Thursday”, added Merkel, with a view to the EU summit. Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had said on Monday he would advocate a chaotic Brexit without a contract for a postponement of the exit. Diplomats noted that in the EU, many companies are not sufficiently prepared for a hard Brexit.

The question as to what the cost

Barnier pointed out that there is a shift under unclear conditions for the EU to have a price. “An extension of uncertainty without a clear Plan would increase the economic cost for our company,” said the Frenchman. You could, however, “also have political costs for the EU”.

The Romanian presidency of the EU did not rule out a further EU summit in the coming week for Brexit. “The time is running out for never”, said Minister for European Affairs, George Ciamba. (fal/afp)

Created: 19.03.2019, 19:26 PM