Now the helicopter parents are the best: that’s what it says in the last “Sunday newspaper”. Why that should be, I don’t know, I didn’t read the article. I’m not going to read it also, if next week a different expert in a different newspaper finds out that the reverse is true. Because to me the whole Educational alarmism (“if you are going this or not do or do not do, your child will be stupid, unhappy, poor and criminal”) on the nerves. And because of all the beautiful theories always something is forgotten: the reality.

This reality has not, it is now time that it is always according to our Wishes and plans. Would you like to be a full-time mother or father? Maybe you need to work for financial reasons, however. Would you like to work? Maybe you can’t find a Job or one that you often have to go abroad.

It can also happen that a parent has suddenly become much more or less Fun in childcare, as was intended. And then all the outer circumstances are: You live in the city or in the country. A child or four. Healthy children or those that need special care. A lot of money or a little. The grandparents are available or not. The neighbors with children of the same age are nice/impossible/to pull away. The crib in the vicinity is good, less good or completely booked.

Pragmatic solution

From all these constellations, and Konstellatiönchen you then, what would be good for puzzling together never as a universal model of the family. It is simply the pragmatic, personal solution that must be adapted to new, depending on how the kids and the Jobs and develop everything around it.

But that’s quite all right. Because it is not important how a model looks, but you make the Best of it: the trust that this is sufficient, so that the children are happy, open people. So those that don’t know how to help herself, if something is not quite the Ideal (or the Trend). And are self-aware enough not to zigzag all the experts to run after, say a, as the only right life. (

Created: 18.03.2019, 15:50 PM