“Brexit – the Uk leaving the EU”

“Ärkebrexitör open for Mays agreements”

“Better a bad agreement than no brexit at all. Perhaps the funderingen be the one that finally gives the prime minister Theresa May has enough support for his utträdesavtal.”

“Her foreign minister is hoping for a vote already on Tuesday.”

“On the way into Monday’s meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels, expresses Jeremy Hunt, the gently hope of a speedy third vote on the Mays utträdesavtal with the EU.”

“We hope so, but we must be sure that the (voice)the figures are there,” says the foreign minister.”

“May laid the first time until their contracts before the british parliament in January and lost then with 230 votes margin. At a second attempt in the last week shrank förlustmarginalen to 149. The government now hope to be able to convince a number of recalcitrant members, to change the page to this week’s EU summit in Brussels on Thursday and Friday.”

“Conservative ärkebrexitören Jacob Rees-Mogg is one of those who are now thinking about what is best to do.”

” How bad it is, it means mrs. Mays agreements that we legally leave the UNION. If this is destroyed now we will never get a new chance to vote, ” says Rees-Mogg in the radio station LBC.”

“He’s waiting mostly to hear about the northern irish unionistpartiet DUP approve the agreement. Then he can also give its support. At the same time hope he is still on a avtalslöst exit.”

“– Now the question is whether a avtalslöst exit is still realistic. I am worried that the prime minister, despite their earlier commitments, is determined to stop a avtalslöst withdrawal and that it is either her agreement or some form of retention that applies, ” says Rees-Mogg.”

“If the Uk can vote in favour of the agreement at the latest on Wednesday, May promised to ask for an extended förhandlingstid with the EU to a maximum of the 30 June for the practice, make all brexitlagstiftning.”

“If the agreement is not approved or is not being put forward for a vote before the summit – waiting on the other side of a tough discussion with the other EU countries that are not fond of just extending the current stalemate without clear information on what the extension is for.”

“Jeremy Hunt promises yet that the government shall first do all in their power.”

“We will do everything we can for this, for it is what people voted for and what we have promised to deliver,” says minister of foreign affairs in Brussels.”