The Berlin police continued on Saturday their search for the missing 15-year-old schoolgirl Rebecca Reusch on the BAB 12. In Fürstenwalde-West, the police officers left the highway to find on a country road in Fürstenwalde. The Brandenburg highway patrol imprisoned for Berlin’s colleagues on the highway in the direction of Frankfurt (Oder) to and in the short term, the departures, explained the spokesman for the Brandenburg police headquarters, Mario Heinemann.
cause it was about to the exit Storkow a traffic jam of three kilometers in length. In the course of the day, consider the use of force, whether persons with search dogs to the connection of the motorway tracks set to record, like a police spokeswoman said.
we were about ten forces of a use of hundreds, the investigators of the murder Commission, colleagues in the Brandenburg police, as well as three dogs, it said. “The dogs are very good and remember, in spite of the weather, even after weeks, if someone went to a place over or -threats”, explained a police spokesperson. The action began, therefore, at around 10: 30am, in the late afternoon, the search ended unsuccessfully.
Recently, there had been several searches of the police in the woods near the A12 to the Southeast of Berlin. The background should be instructions on the car of the suspect’s brother-in-law of Rebecca. Car trips to Brandenburg, had confirmed the suspicion against the 27-year-old German. The car was on the morning of the 18. February, and on the evening of 19. February on the A12 by an automatic detection system has been registered.
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order your Free copy of In search of Rebecca Reusch all images 1 of 6Foto: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Central image/dpa07 ads.03.2019 14:33Einsatzfahrzeuge the police to a forest at Kummersdorf.Back Next
Rebecca had at 18. February last lived in the house of your sister and your brother-in-law in Berlin-Britz. You came to the school in the Morning. Investigators do not believe that the girl left the house alive, but was killed. The brother-in-law is sitting in detention. (dpa)