Pilotlønnen can’t be all too bad.

in these days they spend to the right and left of the food for their many passengers, when the plane is delayed.

In november brought a pilot from American Airlines 40 pizzas for his passengers grumbling stomachs. They had because of the severe weather may sit for hours without food and was only able to fly further from Witchita Falls the day after.

last week gave even a pilot food when he ordered 23 pizzas for the delayed travelers, and now is still a pilot at work.

United Express-flykaptajn Matthew Hoshor downloaded 70 burgers, since his passengers had been just a little over two hours late.

It writes Fox News Travel.

the Aircraft was on Monday been delayed in the Tulsa International Airport in Oklahoma in the UNITED states, as Matthew Hoshor ordered burgers for every single passenger.

One of the passengers by the name of Sam Walker grabbed a picture of the smiling flykaptajn, when he shared the burgers out of the plane. He shared the subsequent image on Twitter, where he praised the good service.

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‘Good people and good service still exists!’, he wrote, among other things.

Therefor, said United Airlines, which is the parent company of United Express, from their official twitterprofil:

‘Hey Sam. How cool! We are happy to hear that the crew took care of you today. We will send the rose to our team.’

the Plane could once again continue his journey, barely hours after the scheduled time.

All three pilots said to have paid for the food out of his own pocket.

See below the video of the pilot, which back in november brought a 40 pizzas to the travellers on board.