”The Great Replacement”. So-called the radikalnationalistiska terrorist Brenton Tarrant his 74-page publication, which he wrote before the deed in Christchurch. ”The Great Exchange”, approximately.
the Title is linked to a racist and antimuslimsk conspiracy theory, which is that the population in Europe is going to be replaced. ”Folkutbytet”, usually the Swedish nationalists to call this. The theory comes in various guises, but the essence goes something like this:
the West is threatened by a muslim invasion. The vicious muslims come here, give birth to many children, and take over western societies from the inside. Europe turning into a muslim caliphate where the white non-muslims are being oppressed.
it may be that the long torgförts more or less openly by the Swedish and the european nationalistpolitiker. The idea of the muslim invasion, where muslims are seen as threatening samhällsförstörare, fed and watered each day at the racist and military potential of the propagandasajter.
In many countries, Sweden has become a sort of symbol of radical white nationalists. Some be provoked by the fact that the Swedish population is no longer as homogeneous as white as a few decades ago. ”You were once blond vikings, now take the muslims over”, said a Polish högeraktivist to me in a nationalist march in Warsaw in the autumn.
the writing of ”The Great Replacement” are several links to Sweden. He pays tribute to Anton Lundin Pettersson, who stabbed to death three people in the Corolla school in Trollhättan, and who, before the deed, shared the racist and nationalist propaganda on the net. Trollhättandådet were part of a struggle against ”ethnic and cultural suicide,” writes Tarrant.
Tarrant also writes that it was the 11-year-old Ebba Åkerlunds fate, when she was murdered by the terrorist Rakhmat Akilov on Drottninggatan shopping street in Stockholm, which gave him the impulse to carry out their acts of terrorism.
He states that he was traveling in Europe when Akilov carried out his terrorist attack in Stockholm, and to Ebba Åkerlunds death became a kind of turning point for him. He wanted to avenge Ebba and the islamist terrorism which he saw as attacks on my people, my culture, my faith and my soul”.
in New Zealand, you can see that someone posted the ”Ebba Åkerlund” on one of the weapons used in the attack.
Ebba Åkerlunds parents express their despair and disgust in the face that their daughter’s name is abused. And it can seem unbelievable how sympathy for a victim of a terrorist attack in Stockholm can be fuel for that murder innocent people on the other side of the globe, in a new terrorist attack.
But in the black and white world view that drives both the radikalnationalistiska and islamist terrorism, it is logical. It is telling that the terrorist Tarrant in its manifesto not blaming the deed on Drottninggatan shopping street in Stockholm, specifically at the individual Rakhmat Akilov or the member IS, Akilov swore allegiance to. He puts the blame on ”the invaders” – ”the invaders”. For him, all muslims are part of a hostile invading force.
should explain why he gave up on praying muslims in a mosque, he uses again the expression intruders: ”They were a clear, visible and large group of intruders,” he writes, and they come from a culture that strives to occupy my people’s land and ethnically replace my own people.”
Here we see again the racist idea of folkutbytet, from a world of ideas, where religions and peoples are destined to fight each other.
Unfortunately, it has in Sweden created a climate where several minorities feel vulnerable and worried for the attacks. Muslim women with scarf testify about harassment, verbal attacks and sometimes physical abuse in the streets and squares.
on fredagsförmiddagen filled my feed in the social media of the troubled Swedish muslims. ”Can’t help but to ask my husband to refrain from going to the Friday prayer in our local mosque,” writes 34-year-old stockholmian Samaa Sarsour.
In november last year, was she in Uppsala by an aggressive man in the car when she was out walking with her stroller. The man gassed and headed straight towards the Samaa Sarsour when she walked across a pedestrian crossing. She managed to jump away, but the man did not give up but pursued Samaa on foot. ”I should have run over you, fucking muslim!”, he screamed.
Words and deeds belong together. If the politicians and commentators constantly cast suspicions and avhumaniserar other groups, so it is not particularly surprising if some take the plunge and start attacking them physically.
in Parallel with reports on the terror attack on New Zealand, the news of the last remnants of the terrorsekten IS is defeated in Syria. The unimaginably disgusting stories on the IS genocide on the yazidier flows out.
how much in common the far-right and the links with the terrorists. They share the same world view about an ongoing war between muslims and the west. They have the same apartheidliknande notion that muslims and non-muslims cannot live together.
And democratic-minded muslims who like to stay in Sweden and other western countries is both groups ‘ worst nightmare.
”I hope that the authorities strengthen the skyddsbevakningen of Sweden’s mosques – it is needed now more than ever!” writes Samaa Sarsour, the woman who was attacked by an islamophobic motorist in the fall.
She put the finger on something central. About Swedish muslims not to feel secure in our society so it is a great victory for terror.