in the World have representatives from politics and Religion on Friday reacted with dismay to the mosque attacks in new Zealand. “It is a perfidious attack on Worshippers and their God-houses”, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Munich on Friday. “This is an attack that is directed against Muslims. He is also an attack on the new Zealand democracy, and the open and tolerant society,“ said Merkel. “We share these values with new Zealand. And so we also share the horror and the condemnation of this terrible act.“

the Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier spoke of the “cowardly attacks”. He stressed: “We wish your country the power to preserve themselves in this difficult hour for his openness and Confidence.” Also, Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD), condemned the “brutal crimes” in Christchurch. SPD Leader Andrea Nahles wrote: “those Who attack Muslims, attack us all.” She stressed: “This hatred must never have a place with us – neither in new Zealand nor elsewhere.”

Pope Francis assured all new Zealanders its solidarity

Pope Francis condemned the attacks as “senseless acts of violence”. He can assure all new Zealanders, and “especially the Muslim community,” solidarity and ask for comfort and strength for the whole Nation, it said in a from the Vatican published the telegram.

In Norway, Prime Minister Erna Solberg, said that the attacks in new Zealand evoked “painful memories” of the murder of 77 people by the Right-wing Anders Behring Breivik in July 2011. They called on the international community to the fight against all forms of extremism.

US President Donald Trump spoke of a “horrific massacre” in which innocent people are “useless” had been killed. The US would be in this difficult hour on the side of new Zealand. “God bless all!”, so Trump via Twitter.

Similarly, the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, has condemned the attacks as “heinous crime” said. “France stands against all forms of extremism and its partners against terrorism in the world,” said Macron on Friday. All thoughts are now with the Victims and their families.

Erdogan criticized the West

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the attack “a new example of the rise of racism and Islamophobia”. He criticized the West for this take nothing: “With this attack, the Islamophobia, which allowed the world sit idly by and even encouraged has exceeded the limits of the individual’s harassment, to reach the level of mass murder.”

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin stressed that he hoped that “those responsible will be severely punished”. He stressed: “An attack on peaceful prayer and gathered people in his cruelty, and his cynicism is shocking.”

EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in a message to new Zealand: “The EU is grieving with you today and will always stand by your side in the fight against those who want to destroy our societies and our way of life in such a heinous way.” EU Council President Donald Tusk stressed that the “brutal attack” will reduce “never have the tolerance and common decency, for which new Zealand is famous for”. Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg pledged new Zealand’s support to “in defence of our open societies and common values”.

in The world, Church-Officer of the German bishops ‘ conference, Archbishop Ludwig Schick, said in Social media in a similar and warned at the same time, before the thought of Retaliation. The inter-religious dialogue for peace and unity in all over the world must be continued.

the President of The Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, said: “hate and violence against people are the same to justify what Religion, origin or belief.” With a view to the fact that Videos of the attack in the network numbered course, added to the Bavarian regional Bishop: “The digital multiplication of Horrors describes the cynical depths of the terrorism of our day.”

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The Central Council of Muslims in Germany, shaken by the deeds condemned as well. “The dead and Hurt in new Zealand are a timely reminder for us, the growing Islamophobia in society and the propaganda against Muslims to address more effectively,” ZMD Chairman Aiman Mazyek. (Tsp, dpa,KNA, AFP)