Pregnant in the future should find it easier than ever for Doctors to have an abortion. The Federal Council approved a Reform of section 219a. Accordingly, Physicians may indicate to the public that they perform abortions.
Doctors may in the future inform the public about the fact that they perform abortions. The Federal Council approved the already in the German Bundestag adopted the Amendment of section 219a of the criminal code. Thus, Pregnant women should be able to find in the future easier for Doctors and clinics for an abortion.
The physician must specify on the Internet but only that she have an abortion – for more information about various methods, you must refer to official Bodies. In addition, on a monthly basis and published updated lists, which is which method which is the doctor for the abortion.
health insurance companies pay for a pill to 22
in addition, the contraceptive pill in the future, up to 22. The age of the covered by health insurance. Doctors and Concerned had criticized the restriction of information for a long time sharp.
the Union and the SPD had negotiated the current compromise laboriously negotiated – originally, the SPD wanted to delete the entire paragraph to the so-called ban on advertising of abortions, the Union did not want to touch him at all.
the ban on advertising defined
The Clause 219a prohibits the advertising of abortion out of economic interests or “grossly offensive”. In the past, led also to a conviction of the Doctors, who had informed from your point of view, purely objectively about abortion. The Giessen Doctor Kristina Hänel was convicted on the basis of paragraph 219a to a monetary penalty.