Today is march 14, and so pi day, a holiday for many mathematicians, who every year celebrated on 14 march. Pi has infinitely many digits after the decimal point and those numbers are worldwide professionally on the outside learned. The Indian Rajveer Meena is the world record holder, he has no fewer than 70,000 of decimal places after the comma on the outside. Also the Flemish Laura Moeneclaey do with its 4000 a creditable attempt. Laura knows 4.000 digits after the decimal place

The images of Laura Moeneclaey date back in 2014, but they are punishment for today is not to pick up. The girl was a few years ago pi to 4,000 digits after the decimal point cancel. Laura was 15, and learned every day a hundred figures on the outside. Thanks to the encouragement of her friends, and her wiskundeleerkracht, she got a whopping 4.000. Although they may have more digits could remember, was the 4,000 have been lovely, she thought then.

Highlight after the afternoon

The annual pi day for mathematicians a peak at 13.59 hours in the afternoon. With the date can then 3.14159 be reached. Mathematicians celebrate that often a piece of pi(e), the English word for cake.