“Filmmaker stands in the way of the Hammarskjöld fate”

“Cold case Hammarskjold”

“Directed by Mads Brügger, Mads Brügger, Göran Björkdahl, Karl Feil.”

“DOCUMENTARY Danish filmmaker Mads Brügger places himself in the way of the story when he wants to show that Dag Hammarskjölds plane in 1961 shot down. The Swedish generalskereteraren of the united nations would mediate peace when his plane crashed in the current Zambia. Brügger takes the help of the swede Göran Björkdahl, who has long been fascinated by the crash and whose father was a diplomat.nVar a belgian stridsflygare who shot down the Hammarskjöld plane? How involved was the secret south african organisation that they claim to reveal? The film leads up to several sensational information without proof, it is similar to a spionroman of the cold war. In between koketterar Brügger when he tramsar with tropikhjälmar and vitklädd dictates his scripts for various clerk typewriters .”

“”Cold case Hammarskjold” uses many berättargrepp. Several that underlines how fictional and constructed documentaries can be. Two different conspiracy theories to be launched, at the same time as the filmmaker is questioning itself.”