Louis Tomlinson’s sister is dead at home so far unconfirmed reason. The Daily Mail says it is likely to sudden cardiac arrest.

Singer Louis Tomlinson sister is dead. The cause of death as suspected sudden cardiac arrest. The whole family is broken through the death on the news.

it was known sometähti. Tomlinson was on social media more than 1.4 million followers.

Tomlinson lost his mother 7. December 2016. TCAA/ZDS

This is the second mr Tomlinson’s family faced death within three years. Tomlinson lost his mother the year 2016. My mother died of leukemia.

Louis Tomlinson and Felicite Tomlinson in london in the autumn of 2018. AOP

Tomlinson’s grieving sister. The Sun, according to Tomlinson described his sister to be loved, caring, intelligent and beautiful. Tomlinson was supposed to perform at Comic Relief event, but the man has canceled all public appearances. Tomlinson had to pretend to be a novelty song for the first time to the public.

Félicité Tomlinson passed away at home on Wednesday. Cause of death suspected heart attack. Police have not found a place any drug refers. The scene called an ambulance to revive the young woman.

nothing could be done, the police comment on the incident the Daily Mail.

Felicite Tomlinson will be made medico-legal death to determine its cause.

Félicité Tomlinson was an aspiring clothing designer and well-known sometähti.