The health insurance premiums to rise each year. Now the Sick should also have to pay a larger part of the medical bills yourself. The deductibles rise for the time being, to 50 francs. An increase of 200 Swiss francs, the national Council refuses to accept it.

He has spoken on Thursday with 162 to 21 votes against a Motion of his health Commission. This demanded that the annual Franchise of 300 francs to 500 francs to raise. Commission spokesman Bruno Pezzatti (FDP/ZG), a higher Franchise lead be argued to be cost-conscious behaviour and lower premiums burden of all Insured persons.

He pointed to calculations by the Federal Council, according to which the health insurance funds and the premium payer by the higher Franchise to 430 million Swiss francs would be relieved. According to the Commission, the increase for the Sick would be financially manageable. People in difficult economic circumstances received premium subsidies, may also have supplementary benefits and helplessness allowances, said Pezzatti.


The Left fought back against the increase in the annual Franchise. Yvonne Feri (SP/AG) recalled that, more and more people avoided a visit to the doctor, because they could not carry the Franchise. The have fatal consequences and lead cost is too high. According to the OECD, the participation of Swiss households to the health costs is already high. Poor households would not be burdened disproportionately, because the health insurance premiums take the income into account.

The Federal Council rejected the increase of the standard deductible of 200 CHF. It is necessary to take on the financial capabilities of the Insured’s consideration, said health Minister Alain Berset. He also noted that with a higher deductible the premiums could affect, but not the health cost. The costs would be shifted so that only.

passport to the future for SP

Whether these arguments or tactical Considerations were the decisive factors for the weak consent, is open. It is certain that the citizens would have delivered and dominated national Council of the SP with an abrupt increase in the deductible is a steep pass. The party has made the health insurance premiums to one of their Central campaign issues.

Together with the Greens, consumer and pensioner organisations, the SP has already decided the Referendum against a much more modest increase in the deductibles. This template has been adjusted, the national Council, she is now ready for the final vote.

This is to all adult franchises constantly be the health costs adjusted. It is foreseen an increase of 50 francs, as soon as the average gross cost of services per insured Person more than 13 times higher than the ordinary Franchise.

A first adaptation of the franchise is scheduled on the date of entry into force. The annual Franchise would then be 350 Swiss francs, the highest Franchise 2550 francs. The Council of States has already agreed that the national Council had to clean up a linguistic difference. A ballot on the mechanism for the increase of the franchises could take place at the end of November 2019. (anf/sda)

Created: 14.03.2019, 15:48 PM