On Thursday night the British Parliament on whether and how the government should apply for a postponement of the Brexits. According to the will of the Prime Minister, Theresa May, the members between a short and a long delay, the EU will have to choose exit.

The parliamentarians can, however, change the presentation of the government with Amendments (“Amendments”), so that at the end of a very different decision may be, as the government intends. The speaker of the British house of Commons, John Bercow, has chosen four such Amendments on which Parliament will be voting today.

Amendment “H” of Wollaston: shift for second Referendum

The so-called Independent group (former Labour and Tory MPs) want a postponement in order to organize a second Referendum. This should be coordinated between a Brexit according to the Parliament, and remaining in the EU. The Amendment bears the name of Sarah Wollaston, a former member of the Tories, who left their party group. If the Amendment is accepted, a vote on the Amendments “I” and “E”.

Major organisations hold back their support for the Amendment. According to the information of the British newspaper “The Guardian”, the Labour group for voting abstention. The People’s Vote campaign, which campaigns for a Referendum on the final-Brexit Deal, voting share – which has already led to the first sarcastic remarks on Twitter.

For a second Brexit Referendum would, according to the UK electoral Commission, at least four, more likely six months of preparations are necessary. Thus, a longer-term shift in the Brexits would be necessary.

Amendment “I” of Benn: the majority in the Parliament

A cross-party group of EU-friendly member of Parliament calls for a shift of the exit, to the further course of action to explore. For it to be cleared on Wednesday of Parliament’s calendar, a legislative whip method. The Amendment bears the name of Hilary Benn.

Here it is on the so-called finger votes show, which explored, for which an Alternative to the Brexit agreement, there is a majority. To this request an additional amendment, the request also needs to be coordinated. Application i) goes through, a vote on e).

Amendment “E” of Labour

The Labour top wants to explore a shift in the Brexits, in order to give the Parliament more time, the further course of action. This application runs well on the call for so-called finger votes, show. In this case, the Parliament could vote on Alternatives to Mays Brexit agreement, for example, about a Brexit, with closer ties to the EU or a second Referendum.

Amendment “J”

The non-partisan request to exclude more votes than Mays Brexit Deal only.


Created: 14.03.2019, 14:23 PM