The Stammtisch is not dead, but he’s gotten old. In the wine bar, a traditional pub in the vicinity of long street, running not much on this Friday evening. “After the fifth of the month, then our regular guests of the pension to the account,” says Sigi, the waitress.

“Welcome to the geriatrics center Aussersihl,” says Rolf, as the journalists entered the wine bar again. On the sixth day of the month. This time, too many chairs are empty. The sun at the time, explains Sigi. It is 18 o’clock. Many of the regulars start your pickling Wednesday in the Morning and not hold out forever. “You’re late.”

The wine bar, as the Name promises. Dark patina paneling, wooden tables, curtains with embroidered Chalet motif. It is the familiar atmosphere of a Swiss Spunten. Here in district 4, it has become rare. Yes, even threatened. The Snuff? For the past three years, a scene shop. The Crocodile? Of young restaurateurs. Strauss: populated by party birds. “The wine pub is the last pub in the langstrasse area,” says Rolf.

A social Milieu disappears

Barely a quarter has changed in the last ten years as much as the long road. In place of the old Cabarets and pubs of cafes that look like galleries, and Bars that only offer sophisticated Drinks based on Grapes occurred. At the same time, land prices have risen so sharply as almost anywhere in the city. In the consequence of an entire social Milieu threatens to disappear. A World.

In the wine, you can tube alone – without that it looks weird.

In the wine bar is for the time being. At the table sit: Herbicides (71), Rolf (70), Pedro (68) and Edy (76). Later, Tommy, the host of this pushes that. “I come over here to my alcoholics,” he says, and laughs, in Hand, he has a full white wine glass. From time to time is also a Sigi with a glass of Prosecco at the round table. The mood is not too serious. But not really happy. Out Fluctuating Serenity. Some of the discussion at the beginning of fizzles out in the swaths of Kafi schnapps, hang in the air. Neglected no one feels therefore.

The first attempt of a call:

come As you are in the circle 4?
Tommy : “I grew up in this house. The wine I had taken a tube of my mother. This is my home.”

Pedro : “I came 30 years ago in here because I found a cheap apartment.”

Rolf : “I moved because of the pickling. So it is not the milieu sheds, places like the old Olé-Olé-Bar, where you always found someone to Talk to.”

Herbicides : “I got two years ago, an old-age apartment in the vicinity. Before that, I lived at Triemli.”

Simple, but good: Wholesome pickling, wholesome food.

everything Was better in the past?
Rolf : “not at all. Earlier there was the police hour. At half past one, you had to have drunk to a watch stand in front of the door. Then the hour of the idiots, the drunks, the outside wheel began to make. Today the four hours back.”

Pedro : “in the past, the Milieu, which is dominated here. But the family was friendly as today’s party scene. Made less noise and less broken.”

Tommy : “The circle 4 was like a village. My dog, a small Terrier, moved often pickling by pickling, without me. You knew him anywhere. Offered him something to drink or eat. To have the new neighbors I barely made contact.”

more Important than long Speeches are in the wine, the punchlines tube anyway. “You know why we look so young? Here, the wine is so sour that it pulls the skin together.” This joke falls a number of times, with host Tommy laughs. To be offended is not. The “frustration protection products helps”, as Rolf calls the Rosé.

“We like to be sarcastic, sometimes a bit evil,” says Rolf. Pedro finds: “A real meeting is always politically correct.”

Earlier you would not have tolerated, perhaps even as good – but the age has ironed out the differences.

as proof of this the door opens. A woman of around 70 enters the tavern. With a younger man on the cane, he is wearing a fluorescent vest. “Aha, the cunning Half!”, the regulars call. So you call him. Even otherwise, some of the regulars are upset about the unequal Couple, you are welcome, nevertheless, with a handshake.

What’s bothering you today in the quarters?
Rolf : “There are too many yuppie shed.”

Pedro : “it is Our Local get away. And our people. Some of the round were forced to move away, to Altstetten, or Schwamendingen.”

Rolf : “In the wine tavern, you barely see them anymore.”

Herbicides : “I don’t know where I want to get to know new people. And to me the noise is annoying. I think despite the closed Windows and earplugs.”

Rolf : “I got you a tip: The hearing aid out before you put the ear plugs in.”

Herbicides : “I listen to good by nature.”

Pedro : “I can get you a Alpine Hut.”

the wine bar keeps the change, for a simple reason: The house belongs to the landlord and his siblings. He had already received several offers to sell the property, says Tommy. “But we are not doing that. My mother still lives here. No one wants to sell. I’m going to stay.” The other in the round of reports of dubious characters who go with suitcases full of money in the district around, to buy Local.

Rarely has The intimate atmosphere of a Swiss Spunten grown in the district:.

something else speaks for the wine bar: it has a walk-in toilet. “This is an advantage when you hosted old guests,” says Edy. In the neighbouring Aargauerhof about a steep flight of stairs lead to the toilet down. The scare a lot of Old. “Suddenly you’re old and talking only about the prostate,” says Pedro.

More guests come to the restaurant. Almost all alone. Some sit at the Stammtisch. Without A Fuss. The conversation goes on. With a spell the New rise.

Can sit in here all?
Rolf : “In principle, Yes. We have an open table.”

Pedro : “Not like the country. Since the whole pickling, when a Unknown walked in trailed off to earlier.”

Edy : “On the Land you have to anetrinke to the Stammtisch, a lot of drinking, a lot of rounds to spend, until you’re part of it. Not with us.”

Also is this openness that distinguishes the old from the new district 4; that you can go out without an escort. Bars with sophisticated drink menus visit the people, mostly in groups. To be alone, where it acts weird. Just like a joke about the acidic wine.

It is not the most personal interaction, which is maintained at the regulars ‘ table. It makes spells that are sometimes funny and sometimes not, to tell stories, some Dozen Times, as those would laugh from the first women’s strike, as the garden of the pub was full with women, what a joke, the modern Bars no. You and it will be ignored, if you swipe over the phone, we ordered a glass. “Sigi, please!” Earlier they would not have tolerated, perhaps even as good of a time a Trotskyist, and the other in the case of the Poch, a third preferred expensive Restaurants. Today this is not so important anymore. The age has ironed out the differences.

at 18, what’s going on – the Beizentag starts here early.

You do not need to be always in a good mood, says Pedro should have the feelings, even cry lying in it. “Just not for several weeks.” No one is laughing. But the next Pointe is quickly discovered: a neighbor of the upper third of the butt looks out of the Jeans. This helps for a little while.

Shortly after eight o’clock Unchained Melody schmonzt “” by the Righteous Brothers from the boxes (note from the author: This is not an invention, even if it sounds like one). “And time goes by so slowly / And time can do so much / Are you still mine?” The companion of the blind man calls out: “Our song!” Sigi turns up the volume.

On the table affects the song as a kicking song. The men drink, whip out your wallet. In the cups, dozens of receipts have been collected, Sigi expects. Anyone who is unsure to the foot, the someone accompanied home to the second-through the night has only just begun.

Earlier, they would not have tolerated, perhaps even. But the old differences are no longer as important. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 14.03.2019, 15:58 PM