“Jytte Guteland: Poor air quality causes most life in the world”

“Malmö has Sweden’s worst air, according to the new report”

“Every year, 8 000 swedes from diseases caused by poor air quality. “

“the Worst is the problems in Malmö, Västra Hagen in Kungsbacka, sweden and Växjö, according to a new report.”

“– The cruel injustice is that it is the children, the sick and the elderly who suffer the most, ” says Jytte Guteland, mep (S).”

“the Quality of the air we breathe has great importance for how we feel and what diseases we may suffer. “

“A new report from In Mainz in Germany, developed in cooperation with the European hjärtläkarsällskapet (the European Society of Cardiology) shows that the lack of air quality each year is located behind a large amount of deaths in the world.”

“In Sweden is estimated to 8 000 people die prematurely from poor air quality, not only of the lung but are usually a result of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Overall in Europe, it can be as many as 800 000 people.”

“Even the company Airvisual and the environmental organization Greenpeace has measured air quality at various locations in 73 countries, which TT has reported earlier about. Sweden belongs to some of the world’s cleanest countries in total, but even here there are problems. “

“the worst is the situation in Malmö, the Western Paddock and Växjö, as are some of the areas included in the measurement. Bredkälen in Strömsund ports on the tenth place among the dirty areas in Sweden and listed at the same time as one of the cleanest areas in Europe. Air pollution is generally greatest in countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan and India.”

“Mep Jytte Guteland involved much with the air and the climate in the EU. She believes that the reports indicate that it is time that the countries, including Sweden, now takes air pollution very seriously.”

“– this is a bigger and bigger problem and is now what causes most life in the world and have passed by several of the epidemics which have been the worst. It is a growing problem for the whole world and also in Sweden, we are affected, ” she says.”

“– The cruel injustice is that it is the children, the sick and the elderly that suffer the most.”

“the EUROPEAN parliament is now pressing for member states to tighten up their requirements on emissions and live up to what you already committed to do in order to improve air quality. In the day to break one of five countries against the existing regulatory framework.”

“But the parliament also operates to the member states to issue air quality plans for zones and cities where the problems are big.”

“Want to highlight good examples”

“Jytte Guteland mean that there also is much that the cities themselves can do. It is, for example, to learn from good examples.”

“I think that cities that have problems to cooperate with others, look at the good example, and to meet with the mayor where they got down to their levels,” she says.”

“At the environmental department in Malmö, you think the global report gives a misleading picture, because the only measure small particles in the air (PM 2,5), which only says a lot about the quality of the air.”

“– But generally you can say that the larger the city, the dirtier the air, since much of the emissions come from traffic, industry and human activity, ” says Susanna Gustafsson, an environmental engineer in Malmö.”

“Malmö’s air is affected largely by the proximity to countries with high coal power, for example, in Poland. The city has had an action plan for air quality over the years the period 2007-2017, but it has been closed as the man managed to get down below the EU target. The city is also included in the european network, Eurocities.”

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“nSveriges most polluted områdenu002Fstäder 2018 (according to the poll)”

“Footnote: the List shows the locations where measurements have been carried out.”