in 1961, a crash an airplane in Ndola (present-day Zambia) and the then UN secretary-general, Dag Hammarskjöld, killed. The goal of the trip was a meeting with Moise Tshombe, president of the northeastern indian Katanga. Already at the crash suspected of crimes, but investigations led nowhere and it all ended with the investigation froze inside and was a so-called cold case.

The Danish journalist Mads Brügger fish up the swede and amatörforskaren Göran Björkdahl, who devoted many years to the issue, and sets out to find the answer about what really happened.

It is a hard-driven documentary in which Brügger castat himself in the lead role, wearing the ”filmskurkens” white clothes, and outlines all the twists and turns of a secretary who writes down the script on a typewriter.

but obscured by the självmedvetne the narrator and his stagings, which signals a certain anxiety in the face whether the material to keep.

In all honesty, is Brügger, very well aware of this and halfway through the film he declares himself more interested in searching for belgian mercenaries than of the old man of the Hammarskjöld.

It must have felt overwhelming for stunts to try to boil down six years of research to two hours. Unfortunately, it is still far too long.

After a couple of setbacks in research around the the downed plane it will eventually have a breakthrough, which leads the film in a slightly different direction. The spectacular unveiling of the organisation SAIMR which, among other things, allegedly spreading hiv to black africans under the guise that it was the vaccine.

the accused’s stunts to spread conspiracy theories and to rely on the unreliable in the shootout. In the film there is also information about several foreign intelligence agencies would have been involved in the crash.

DN: safety investigators are questioning a movie about Hammarskjold

It is impossible to know what is true but just a week ago reminded of the cartoon ”One day to live,” (about the war in Angola) that it required an imagination as infinite as space to accommodate all the unimaginable machinations that went on during the cold war.

It must have felt overwhelming for stunts to try to boil down six years of research to two hours. Unfortunately, it is still far too long and the film had to much tighter reins and more self-confidence when it comes to the inherent tension that exists in the raw material.

See more. Three other documentaries and feature films about iconic swedes: ”Good evening, mr. Wallenberg” (1990), ”Palme” (2012) and ”Young Astrid” (2018).

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