
“Friday’s klimatstrejk has started a discussion about whether teachers should give pupils leave to strike or if it will be counted as truancy. Despite the fact that compulsory schooling is clear is not the answer of course, according to the Teacher’s chair Åsa Fahlén.”

“– this cool engagement fits very well with the governing documents that the school should foster the individual’s commitment and democratic opportunities to influence. Simultaneous there is a compulsory attendance and of the school to be there, ” says Fahlén to the TT.”

“According to her, there are no rules that say a teacher can’t use the strike in their teaching, but that it can be difficult when the lessons are already planned. Friday’s klimatstrejk see Åsa Fahlén as a signal that the school needs to work harder to introduce the environment and sustainability in the classroom.”

“– Many young people have klimatångest. It is a signal that the school has been very good at highlighting these issues. We must become better at capturing these issues in the school’s activities. So there is no need of truant, ” she says.”